#9.4 Someone Breaks Into Your House: Michael

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I honestly have no idea what to do for this one, and I apologize for Calum's being kinda trashy. Let's see where this goes... :/
btw (D/j) is dream job :)

Michael left home to go on tour six weeks ago, and every day you miss him more than the last. He makes sure to facetime you or text you every night, but it still doesn't feel the same as having him next to you.

He only has until tomorrow left before you two can see each other, but you don't think you can wait that long. You wish you could've gone on tour with him, but you're still stuck in this college semester. You're studying to be a (D/j), and you still have another 3 semesters to study it. 

You sighed, turning off the television in your living room and deciding to go to bed. You trudged up your stairs, closing your bedroom door and locking it, and you made sure your pocket knife was handy before you fell asleep. You felt uneasy tonight.

4 a.m.

Was what your alarm read when you were woken up by a noise from downstairs. You texted Michael excitedly, hoping it was him, but when you got a reply saying he was just arriving in your state, your breath hitched in your throat. 

There's a stranger downstairs.

Michael replied saying he was leaving the airport and would be there soon with the police and the boys, but you didn't want to sit like a chicken waiting for slaughter.

You slipped out from under your covers, grabbing your pocket knife from your bedside table. You stayed in the darkest shadows of the house as you crept downstairs with your knife held tightly in your hand. 

You peered around a corner, jumping a little when you saw the man with his back to you only about 5 meters away. You slipped back behind the corner, and you bit your lip, holding back fearful tears. 

You clutched your knife tightly, reassuring yourself that you didn't see a weapon, and you took a shaky breath as the footsteps grew nearer.

You jumped out from behind the corner, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and you jumped on the dark figure, stabbing at his arms and back. He screamed in pain, but he simply threw you off of him, your knife skidding away on the hardwood floor.

"Damn you, bitch!" The man hissed, and he began beating you. 

Soon you felt blood pouring out of your nose and busted lip, but you kept biting and kicking him until he stood up, lifting his weight off of you. 

He came back only seconds later with a large vase, smashing it over your head as you tried to stand up. 

The last thing you heard before being knocked out on impact was a pounding at your door accompanied by sirens.


Your eyes fluttered open, but you soon clenched them shut as the sunlight reflected off the walls in a pure white room. Your headache intensified as your eyes adjusted to the light, and you groaned, looking for the 'CALL NURSE' button on your bed remote.

A nurse walked in with a smile, and she complied politely when you asked her to turn off the lights. She fetched a doctor to come in and check on you, and he walked out without much talking. You didn't think much of it, seeing as it was a hospital and he was probably really stressed out.

The nurse handed you pain medicine and a nausea pill. Your stomach was actually somewhat queasy, and the nurse explained you had a concussion and suffered quite a beating to your face.

You had stitches in your lip, and your nose had been broken. She asked if you wanted ice for your bruises on your face, but you politely declined, seeing as it didn't hurt as of now. You asked for food, and the nurse smiled with an "Of course," before she closed your window blinds to minimize your headache.

"Oh, nurse?" You called before she left.

"Yes, Ms. (Y/l/n)?" 

"Is there anyone here to see me?" You asked curiously, hoping to see Michael's face after so long.

"There was a moment ago, but they just left saying they needed to run to the store to get something. Do you want me to tell the receptionist to let them in when they get back?"

You nodded quickly, regretting the decision when your headache caused your vision to blur for a second. "Yes, please!"

"Alright, Ms. -"

"Please, just call me (Y/n)," you nodded.

"Okay, (Y/n), I'll be back with a list of cafeteria items."

"Thank you," you smiled, and she gave you a genuine smile back.

"It's not a problem. This is my job," she laughed a little before exiting your room.


You finished your food, and you sighed, relaxing into your bed. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you found yourself scarfing down the flavorless hospital food. The breakfast biscuit tasted like powdered plastic, but you were so hungry you didn't care.

"(Y/N)!" A gasp sounded from the door, and your heart skipped at the voice.

"Michael!" You sat up straighter, smiling widely, despite the stitches pulling painfully.

"Holy shit you look like hell! Are you alright?!" He fussed, rushing over to your bed.

"I'm alive and breathing," you giggled, just relieved to see his face.

"I was so scared when I saw you on the floor," he frowned, his lip quivering as a tear fell down his cheek. "I'm so glad you're alive!"

"I am, too. I missed you so much, Mike," you felt yourself tear up a little bit, and you two embraced each other like you hadn't seen each other in years.

"I think I may have missed you a little more," he mumbled into your (H/c) hair.

"He was becoming an utter asshole-" Calum was cut off as Luke freaked.

"Holy Hell! You look like shit," He covered his mouth after his outburst, and you laughed.

"Wow, thanks you prick," you teased. "Glad to see you, too."

"You'll be even happier when you see what Ashton and Michael got for you," Calum looked like he was bracing for something.

"Are you hungry?" Ashton giggled, and you raised your eyebrows.

"YOU GOT ME FOOD?! I LOVE YOU GUYS!" You beamed, and you made a grabby motion to show you wanted whatever was in the shopping bag.

"She's always hungry, dumbo," Luke rolled his eyes, giving you a quick hug, saying he missed you.

Turns out, they got you your favorite snack by hiding it under a change of clothes when they came in. To say the least, you felt completely better, forgetting about your injuries, when Ashton pulled it out of the bag. 

You love these boys to death, especially right now. Unless one of them tries to steal your food...

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