#10.3 He Hits You: Calum

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Your POV

Calum and I have been arguing lately. He's going on tour in a little while, and I think the pressure of making it another good year is getting to him. 

Now, it's one in the morning, and he isn't home yet. I'm beginning to worry. Is he cheating on me? Is he hurt? Is he drunk and unconscious somewhere, laying there for the vultures? He said he'd be home by ten. Just another lie to add to the pile.

The door opened, and the late son of a bitch walked in. "Where have you been?" I asked, crossing my arms and facing him.

"What does it matter?" Calum glared.

"You said you'd be home by ten, but in case you haven't noticed, it's 1 am," I frowned at his defensiveness. 

He took angry steps towards me, but I didn't flinch. "So what if I was a little late?!" He asked, raising his voice.

"You were three fucking hours late! Why the hell were you so late?!"

"Why do you care? Damn, you're like a fucking mom!" He yelled.

"I care because I have no idea what you were doing! You could have been hurt, cheating on me, or worse!" I yelled back.

"Why are you so overprotective? I can do things on my own!"

"I never said you couldn't! I would like to know if you're going to be late! I was worried!"

"So I have to let you know what I'm doing twenty-four-seven? I have to call you every five minu-"

"That's not what I said! I wanted to know you were okay! I'm not too worried if you're ten minutes late, but three HOURS?!"

"Be glad it wasn't three days! You're such a fucking bitch!" He yelled, punching my cheek as hard as he could. I fell to the floor, hitting my forehead on a sharp corner in the wall. I felt it break skin, and I struggled to get to my feet as my arms and legs were giving out from the shock. I made it to my knees, and I looked at Calum's horrified face. I stood up, and Calum took a step towards me. 

I flinched and took a few steps back, and his lip quivered. "I-I'm so sorry! Y-you're scared of me now, aren't you?"

I didn't reply. I just ran to my room, and I quickly closed the door, locking it.

Calum POV

I hit her. I just hit my girlfriend. How the hell did I let that happen?! I love her, and now she's scared of me!

She struggled to her feet, and I mentally punched myself for not helping her up. I took a step towards her. I need to apologize and hug her and just let her know I never cheated on her or intended to hurt her in any way, but she flinched and scurried backwards.

"I-I'm so sorry! Y-you're scared of me now, aren't you?" I asked, fighting back tears. She didn't answer me, but by the way she ran to our bedroom, avoiding me, before she slammed the door, I could see the answer.

How do I get myself out of this mess?

I walked to the door, hearing sniffles coming from the other side of the room. "(Y-Y/n)?" No answer. "I'm so sorry. Please let me in," I begged as I started the sappiest apology speech in history.

You fucked up, Calum, I told myself. You fucked up big time.

Your POV

"I'm so sorry. Please let me in. I never meant to hurt you, but I was just scared to lose you. I wasn't thinking straight. Please, please forgive me. I love you so, so much, and I can't live without you," he whimpered pitifully from the other side of the door. I heard a noise like he put his forehead on the door, and not very gently, either. "Please, (Y/n), I would never cheat on you. You don't have to worry about that. If I lost you, fuck, I don't even know what I'd do. I'd never find another girl, I'll tell you that. Just, please, let me in."

I slowly got up, and I silently tip-toed to the door. I unlocked the door, slowly opening it to reveal a crying Calum. No words were exchanged. We just looked at each other, and we hugged for an eternity. 

"I love you, (Y/n)," he sighed.

"I love you, too, Calum."


that was really long

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