The Royal Court

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Silence and patience is the key needed to be able to go through the long trials and hours this court consists of. Without these elements, your time here will be very boring and will make you fall asleep. This has happened to me heaps of times.

" Lara wake up" a gruff voice snapped at me. Lifting my head off the desk, I looked around to find my father glaring at me with daggers that I know too well.

"Why?" I questioned looking around to find that nobody has arrived yet and it's not even morning yet.

" I expect better of you. Put yourself together and stop sleeping" my father grunted, his blue eyes steering into my soul. I challenged him back with my own, but he knows I always turn away.

" No one is here yet" I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

" I don't care, Lara, get your self-presentable and come straight back" he growled and then looked away. Indicating the argument has shut down.

With a sigh I stood up from the desk and walked out of the courtroom, slamming the door behind me. I walked down the hall to stop and take a breath. Ever since the war has broken out within the kingdom my parents well more my father has been on edge. Pulling early nighttime curfews and pretty much breathing down my sister and me back. For a while, I understood what needed to be done, but the fire has been burning for so long, building and consuming me with its deathly flames from inside. I can only take so much before it explodes.

Getting angrier each day and having duties like attending to court with my father, has become too much. His expectations for me growing higher and unachievable. I feel like there is a bigger purpose for me out here, just don't know what it is yet. Growling I stomped to the bathroom the door slamming in its wake. Learning over the sink.

I washed my face with cold water to soothe me, but it just makes me even angrier. Leaning forward into the mirror, I breathe and just stare at my unknown reflection. My hair has grown with blond and brown curls reaching near my waistline. My eyes so blue but have grown dull and lifeless over the years. My skin has become paler surrounded with dark bags under my eyes. Everything I feel and see is changing. The chaos of the war, expectations of my water, the implications of my gift are evidently weighing me down.

The face I see in the mirror is a stranger to me. Nothing but a physical entity that just defines my features. Because when I look at my self, I try to search for meaning or a sign within my own body or my soul. But as usual I find nothing my emptiness in the hell's dark pits. Shaking my head I stormed out of the bathroom and enter the hall way. Noise surrounded the entire room, indicating that the court trials will soon begin. A sign I must get their quick so I don't catch my father's rage. Slowly walking I walk in blending in with the crowd and finally sit in my seat next to my father.

" Your late" my father grunts leaning close to me so nobody can hear our conversation.

"Well, I'm here now" I snap looking straight ahead. His head turned, eyes blazing drilling a hole through my head.

" We'll talk about this later" he sneers in my ear before turning away.

Tension fills the courtroom as the last person walks into the room and the guards shut the doors. The room goes suddenly silent with a quiet subdue chill that runs up my spine. People are looking around waiting for the first act. The court bells ring following one after the other indicating the gates have been closed, the doors are locked and it's time to begin.

" All rise" my father shouts with command and natural power that bounces off the walls. We stand in sequence nobody hushing a word.

Hi guys cookie angel is back

Wow, it has been a long time since I last updated. I can't believe it been nearly two years since last wrote a chapter. I have had this chapter half written but never finished it. A lot has happened in the last couple of years. I'm in my second year at university and I have traveled. I apologize for not updating but I will admit I did lose time and passion for writing. I have always loved writing but I got writer's block and life got busy for me.

But the other day I woke up and I just knew I wanted to write my old stories again. So I going to make time to write. I do have a busy schedule with uni and work. But for the things you love doing, we always make time.

So enjoy this chapter and let me know what you guys think.

Cookie angel

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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