Chapter two

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Hollow silence made its wake as victoria walked through the dark forest. Not a sound was made in site as she passed hollow trees and bushes on her way. There may be no sound but victoria knew better; the forest was not a place to mess with.The forest is a dangerous place where dark creatures come out at night but victoria was not worried she was strong enough to look after her self. There are many rumours and stories related to the forest horrific things she heard that should never be said, but forest was a death trap hiding secrets in its wake and place nobody should visit.

But of course victoria knew all the rules and darkness the forest holds but that didn’t stop her, for the amount of years victoria and her family suffered with the endless time all that is leading victoria is determination and blind rage.

A cool breeze sets in around the dark forest wrapping around victoria like a blanket. Victoria just shivered from the dreadful feeling it left inside of her numb heart. Since for victoria is a Vampire she does not feel the cold but does feel emptiness the forest leads.

 Step by step she walks with her head held high. Her head always checking behind her and around her making sure no enemies were following her trail. But what she has to careful of is the beast that hides in the corners of the forest. For many centuries there has been stories and rumours spread that the great beast hides in the darkest part of the forest just waiting for prey to feed on. The beast is the ruler of the forest, claiming the forest as it’s home. Nobody steps forwards into the forest unless needing to, but for victoria not even the beast can stop her.

Victoria has had enough of feeling broken, has had enough feeling hopeless and being weak. For goodness shakes victoria is a queen, a ruler she is meant to be strong independent woman. For showing any signs of weakness is meant that she is weak herself, Victoria must be strong for her family. So be it if it means breaking rules, killing things that are in her way. Nobody will stand in her way not until her families together again and her poor Colton has his soul back. Looking down at the card that is being clenched between her pale fingers, raw determination grew inside of her. With making hast victoria picks up speed brushing past tree’s and anything that present in the forest. Not looking back now she quickly rushes to her destination.


Andrew signed leaning against his office chair. Rubbing his forehead together from the stress his being feeling lately, anytime soon Andrew feels like the pressure will burry him in the solid ground. Andrew head is just sitting above the surface just so slowly shallowing him hole. God knows how poor Victoria is holding up, Andrew notice’s how strong she is trying to be.

Trying to hide her feelings and breakdowns from him but Andrew not stupid. He feels the tug at his heart every time she leaks tears and breakdown in their bathroom on the floor only due to the royal blood connect that runs through their veins. But god help poor Colton soul poor Andrew can’t feel dam emotion or feeling from him. All Andrew feels is cold emptiness where a big rotting hole lays within him.

 For many years it has been like this, no sign of hope or justice has made it way though. Andrew signed again leaning forward in his seat crossing his hands on his wooden desk where stacks of paper after paper lay just waiting to be attended to. But Andrew head is just not in the game lately his mind seems to wounder off worrying about the state of his family and the responsibility of his kingdom.

Standing up from his chair and making his way towards the door he puts his hand on the knob but before he goes to open the door. Andrew hears bangs and shouts coming from somewhere in the castle. Guards yelling and demanding orders around the place, but what struck as odd that why are there shouts and bangs when Andrew never gave orders to.

Suddenly a big bang echoes around the castle making vampires hearing it from miles away. Andrew hand clenched on the knob out of anger and frustration, demanding to see what going on he ripped the open the door. The door landing with a loud thud against the wall, standing right in front of Andrew is a guard ready to knock on the door again.

Sudden fear and nervousness wrestled inside of the poor guard soul. Andrew could sense it from miles away. One good advantage for being a Vampire is vampires can sense emotion and smell fear. But since each an every vampire is connect to a source of power that ruins through their veins Andrew can sense what each vampire is feeling, butt most strongly with his family.

Clenching his fists for support he strained his posture and eyed the guard warily. Showing no emotion or movement on his face. The guard gulped in nervousness his eyes moving around not looking Andrew in the eye.

“Sir something terrible has happen” the guard announced monotone but this time the guard looked Andrew in the eye.

“Well tell me, don’t just look at me” Andrew boomed with frustration.

“Sir its victoria she missing”


Hey guys wow it has been a while since I last update this story! well I want to say sorry for the long wait! I been busy with life and school and all that! but that probley not an excuse! honestly tho I had writers block with this story because I lost my sheet of paper that had all my story planning and just forgot where to go with the story.

But since I started my mind is back on track and I have the next chapter planned out! so promise that will be up soon!

But any way here is chapter two and its in andrews point of view as well! so enjoy my peeps and dont be afraid to vote or comment!!

warning: not edit but will be soon!


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