Chapter Three

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Hey Guys Finally Updated Soulless, Here is chapter three and enjoy!

A deadly silence filled the room wrapping around Andrew throat suffocating him in its wake. Andrew whole world stilled so sudden in place it took him to time to process the message. For the hundred times today Andrew world went spinning out of control losing grip of reality and letting it suck him whole.

His heart shattered in to pieces on the floor settling an icy chill in this cold heart. His whole posture went frigid and all he could hear was the shouts of Guards commanding them to search out. The chaos outside of him was getting out of control swirling all over the place and poor Andrew was just standing at the door of his office falling apart.

He clenched and unclenched his hands hoping reality would soon catch up with him. He forced his eyes closed so harshly hoping to forget the sudden pain of the news he just received. But no this is the type of harsh shit life throws at him ether sinking him to the bottom or somehow making him stronger.

Awkward silence filled the office room making everything seem too sensitive. Andrew after moment of getting himself together he looked up at the guard who was nervously shifting his feet side to side trying to look at another but Andrew himself.

The Guard could feel his eyes surveying him over making him feel suddenly uncomfortable. The Guard gulped in fake air just trying to handle the pressure under the king’s deadly gaze.

Andrew looked away from him looking at his family protruded handing on the wall. He signed shaking his head not quite understanding why His wife would Run away from here. He tried to make sense of everything. But one thing he knew once his Victoria held a plan with determination nothing stepped in her way. Feeling a breaking ache in his heart he turned back around back to the Guard.

His eyebrow cringe forward thinking of a plan or command to tell his guard but he came up blank. Shaking his head with disgrace he straightened his posture and held his head high.

With the killing silence being enough for the guard to handle he finally spoken, “Sir are you alright?” he stammered nervously.

Andrew eyes flicked to the guard looking at him if he was tormenting him. But Andrew found nothing of that sort. He found in the guard soulful eyes sympathy towards him. Clenching his hands for control.

“When did you find out she went missing?” Andrew affirmed without emotion but in fact his dead heart is beating out of his chest. Growing up as a child for his whole life he was shown not to show emotions in front of anybody especially the guard standing at the door. He was taught that emotions are weakness and once somebody discovers your weak they can use that against you.

“Just an hour ago sir, one of the maids found the room empty and the window open,” The guard responded starching his head with unease.

Suddenly loud noises erupted in the hallway vampire’s footsteps thudding down the hall in large groups. Shouts and orders were given to the soldiers marching through. Andrew eyebrow rose in question on what’s going on. The loudness got louder and louder ringing his ears.

 All around him seem to be erupting around him swirling out of control. Dizziness suddenly steered his world stealing him into a mess. Intense roaring sound filled out the castle walls booming heavy and high sounds.

Andrew suddenly felt corned in heavy tension settling around him, suffocating him. Abruptly Andrew couldn’t take anymore of this. Something snapped inside of him leashing out his beasts.

“Enough!” Andrew roared with such force making every vampire stop in their tracks. The vampire grimaced from the intense pain that thudded in their ears reaching a sensitive point. Andrew nose flared, chest heaving up and down. His eyes blazed crimson red just ready to explode any minute.

Andrew stormed out of the office door his footsteps banging against the hard floor. All heads turned his way nervously looking around anywhere but him. Andrew jaw ticked in frustration clenching his hand until he smelt blood drip from his hands. But feeling such extreme pain before all he felt was a numbing sensation.

“What is the meaning of this?” He demanded. Andrew raised his eyebrow questioning each and every vampire standing before him.

“Well someone answer me!” Andrew ordered.

Silence filled the room all eyes pleading each other to step up and answer his demands but of course nobody had the guts to answer their king. With sudden luck a young vampire stepped up in front of the crowd. Andrew looked at him up and down waiting for him to give an answer.

“Victoria is missing sir.”

“I ready know that young man just tell me what is going on?” Andrew questioned his tone softer this time. The vampire guard gulped nervously his eyes all but meeting Andrews. Andrew waited patiently just waiting for answer that would just calm his nerves down.

“I saw the window opened she must of escaped through their sir,” the vampire explained. Andrew was puzzled for a moment slowly processing what had been said. He clenched and unclenched his hand trying to keep calm but all he felt was massive rage towards Victoria.

Not for escaping or getting past the well-guarded kingdom. But more for her safety the fear of her getting hurt or worst attacked by the beast that lives depths within the dark forest.

With in sudden determination Andrew forced himself between the groups of vampire’s standing in front of him and marched his way towards his and Victoria bedroom. Loud thudding echoed against the ground as he rushed with his group of guards trailing behind him.

Out of know where a young Vampire stumbled in his way wanting his sudden attention. Andrew eyes landed on him sending him a warning look to move or be moved by him. He quickly stepped aside-letting Andrew carry on.

Turning a left and then a right and climbing two flights of stairs Andrew rushed towards his door smashing it open with a bang. The wooden door spitted with cracks from the force of his blow. The cold air chilled Andrew making Goosebumps appear on his pale skin. The room was dark and lonely. Tension was high in the air that the vampires could taste the over whelming feeling. Andrew vampire’s eye glowed bright in the dark lighting his way through the room. Stoping in his tracks at the state of the bedroom. The bed messily unmade and the lingering scent of Victoria indicating she room not long ago.

But what fazed Andrew the most was that her wooden draws were left open. Andrew made his way towards the side of the bed and sat down falling into the mattress. He looked inside the draw and suddenly turned his head towards the window that was left opened.

Andrew frowned in question, trying to make sense of this all. Until sudden realisation dawned upon him, Victoria wasn’t just walking in the Deadly Forest, but trying to get help from the witch that summoned the Goddess in the first place. His heart started to pound with fear, this couldn’t be happening.


Hey Guys hoped you enjoyed Chapter Three, promise next time I will not Leave an Update this long! Lets just say I Wrote the ending of the chapter really early this morning!

But Just want to say thanks for stopping bye and reading!

and I really want to know how I'm going with my story so dont be shy to


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Unitll next time Guys


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