Bad Crowd

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Jackson looked at Lilian hanging with the 'barbie' girls. he hated that she was all made up wearing clothes she wouldn't normally even look at. She looked fake.

he walked over throwing his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, can I borrow her?" he asked starting to walk away with her. "Lil, I Don't like you hanging with them."

"why " Lilian asked looking at him through her false lashes.

"cause, they're no good for you."


Lilian sighed seated in Jackson's truck watching him talk with some of his friends, most of them smoking a joint, probably already stoned. she pursed her lips, eye's squinting slightly as Jackson took a hit from one of their joints.

She had enough, this wasn't him. She got out of the truck and walked over to Jackson.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" she said taking his hand and leading him back by the truck.

"What's up?" He asked concerned.

"That's not you," she frowned. "You know it's not, you're the one who doesn't smoke joints, you're the one who's supposed to be closest to me and say 'ring power!'" She went on as he frowned looking into her bright blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, let's get outa here," he said throwing his arm over her shoulder.

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