"Babe my moms retiring," lil said giving Jackson a kiss.
"We'll be in her position some day,"
"Not for a long time I hope," she smiled.
"Sooner than you'd think dear," her mom said giving her a hug as they went home.
"You're really done in the military?" Abby asked
"Yup, I mean I'm almost fucking 50, I think its time for me to step down and enjoy some family time before its your know time to move on." Jackson smiled.
"Please jackson, you're barely 45." Lil laughed kissing him "but I agree, its Time for you to come home soldier."
"Agreed," Dani said giving him a hug as the whole family joined in.
"Okay guys! Now that I'm old I'll need food served to me, I am a hero." Jackson laughed
"Yeah right"
"Get that yourself."
"Fuck that shit."
"Oh don't make me break your nose." Lil laugh sitting in his lap.