4- The Park.

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"Your guy was supposed to meet us here?" I ask Chance as I look out across the murky waters rushing beneath us. The small river is choppy, matching the not-so-beautiful sky's mood. Dark gray clouds hang over the city as if they are stuck up there, but want so badly to come down and crash with the waters beneath us.

"Yeah... At this park there are no cameras, and cops rarely ever visit." Chance explains, letting me glance over into his eyes. His dark ones seem lighter now that they are outside, but they aren't focused on my gaze. They are focused on something behind me in the distance.

I ignore this, and ask, "Are you sure leaving Soyer and Lacey alone at the hotel was a good idea?"

Chance finally meets my gaze and combs a hand through his dirty blonde hair before saying, "They'll be fine."

    I sigh and turn my back to the water, leaning against the wooden bridge's railing. I look out over the park and I smile as I take in the beauty of it. If I were to travel off of the wooden bridge, either way, I would be entering wonder lands. On both sides of me, park benches vacantly stand scattered around. Above those benches, bright orange, green, and yellow trees stretch brilliantly in the chilly sky.

    I turn back around to face the choppy water, but when I do, Chance tells me, "She should be here any second now..."

    "She?" I ask, right before another voice whirls me around.

   "Yes, she." The woman standing before me smirks, almost an identical one to Chance's. She has thick blonde hair that crashes in waves down her defined face, and high cheek bones. She has extremely intense hazel eyes that curiously inspect me, and thick eyebrows. Her lips are thin, her teeth pearly. "Hi, I'm agent Cassidy."

"Hi..." I reply and peer down at her hands. They are dug into her black pant's pockets, hidden behind her long black trench coat. "I'm Toni."

The woman's expression falters, her dark eyebrows smashing against each other for a split second. "Nicholas's Toni?"

   "You knew Nicholas?" I ask her, my tone becoming so soft so quickly.

   "Of course I know him! He is like a brother to me!" She exclaims, her eyes piercing my saddened expression curiously. "Where is he?"

   My eyes immediately fall from her face, my heart skipping a beat in the process.

   "Cassidy, Nicholas is gone. Someone murdered him." Chance explains as tears threaten to fall from my face. "We are figuring out who did it."

   "Chance, no! No, you must be kidding!" Cassidy denies, making my face heat up under her tone. "Chance isn't easy to murder! How could someone-?"

   "Cassidy, I am figuring it out. I don't want to get anyone involved in our agency in case there is a mole, but we have a lead and we are going to run it down." Chance replies, moving so quickly to the woman that my eyes lift from the boards of the bridge underneath me.

When I look up, though, Chance is embracing the woman in a hug. Neither of them let go, so I just watch them in disbelief. Cassidy has tears flowing from her closed eyes, and Chance's back is facing me, rigidly still.

Strange, I never thought of Chance as the hugging type...

"Don't worry, I will avenge Nicholas." Chance whispers to the woman just loud enough for me to hear. "I have a team."

"You have a team?" The woman pulls away from Chance to peer over at me. "Is she in it?"

   "Yes, she can handle herself, she-"

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