7- The tail.

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***One week later***

   "It has been a whole week." I murmur after I roll over in my new apartment's bed and look through the clear contact to see the message typed in fine print before my eyes.

   Good morning, sunshine.

   Of course it is Lacey. I mean, who else would know that I'm not a morning person and to pick on me?

   Knowing that any of my three friends can be watching or listening to me, I say, "Oh my God... You guys better not have watched me go to the restroom and shower. I didn't even think about it!!"

    Toni, you know I wouldn't let them.

   I smile at her response and then slowly climb out of the comfortable bed. I flip on the light switch, lighting up the spacious apartment room.

   The room is just the right size. The bed I have been sleeping in for seven days now is sitting upon a raised platform and has a small, white nightstand that matches it. The nightstand holds a wooden lamp with a top of the color blue, which is the exact color of the bed's comforter.

   I turn my head slightly to peer at the rest of the room. It's open, which is just the way I like it. The kitchen is built into the wall, but is still nicer than the kitchen I have at my real house. Although it isn't decorated with memories, the kitchen still looks nice. Especially the counters, because the bottom is made of white wood, like the bed and the nightstand, and the top is a black color with specks of white in it.

   I glance over to the right, where a cute white table for two sits in the center of a half-hexagon shaped space where windows cover the walls in a neat little setup.

   There is an open room to the right of the table, but closer to me so it doesn't bother the dining setup. In that room sits a neat, black-leather couch that has a decent-sized flag-screen TV in front of it, hanging on the wall.

   That's all of the furniture in my new apartment, courtesy of a spy with money to spend, besides inside the clean bathroom to the right of me. Behind me towers the apartment's door, in which I have three locks holding it in place.

   The only closet stands on the other side of the bed, which is where my feet are shuffling to now. Before I started going undercover and asking around about the Secret Society, Soyer and I went shopping and bought me a whole lot of clothes... Also courtesy of Chance.

   "So..." I yawn as I finally step up to the wide closet and stare at the all-black outfits that hang and are folded inside. "Who am I harassing today?"

   His name is Tank Curtis. He has been suspected to have connections with the Secret Society. Good luck.

   She types in the address for me to see, and then leaves it in front of my eyes as I begin to get undressed. My toned, bare body stares up at me when the laced pajama gown slips off of my body.

   I rip the first outfit off the hanger and slide it on my body smoothly. The shirt is a black shirt that has no sleeves and is cut downwards on both sides, showing off my white sports bra underneath. My pants, on the other hand, are bulky, with decent-sized pockets running down the sides. I wear the same boots I started out with, and I still haven't taken out the hidden knife from it.

With the address still floating in front of my eyes, I exit the closet and then tuck all of the weapons into my pockets and behind my pants safely from where I hid them under the bed.

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