~ Chapter 7 ~

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Michelle POV

*inside the bus, outside the houses*

The bus drove us to a neighborhood where there were many cute houses. As we got out a teacher directed each couple and their kids to their new house.

When she got to us we all walked over to our house and Austin opened the door. I let Aurora and Noah explore the house while Austin went to look at our room and I looked around the kitchen.

The teacher told us that there was going to be an envelope with one million dollars in a cabinet. We are only supposed to use it for food, clothing, and other things they are necessary.

I have never had that much money, so I was really anxious to find it. I was looking through all the cabinets and I finally found the envelope in the last one.

As I was about to open it, Austin called me up to the room. I walked up the stairs and when I went inside the room my mouth dropped.

Inside the room there was a big bed and dresser, it looked really cute. But what surprised me the most was Austin down on one knee with a promise ring in his hand.

"Those moments at the Adoption Center made me realize that I never want to spend a moment apart from you. Michelle Rose Singer will you make me the most happiest guy in the world and fake marry me?" He asks me.

"Say says mommy" Aurora says."Yes" I whisper/say. He puts the ring on my finger and hugs me. "Hey what about us" Noah says. We pull apart and grab them and pull them into a bear hug.

* later that day, 6:00 p.m.*

"Dinners ready. Come eat everyone" I say to Aurora and Noah who are watching tv. They come to the table and Austin helps them up while I place a plate of spaghetti in front of everyone.

Austin sits next to Aurora and I sit next to Noah so I can feed him his spaghetti. Austin starts to ask Aurora about living at the adoption center.

She looks really happy and starts talking about all her friends. I smiled and gave Noah more food. I looked over at Austin and Aurora and they both had smiles on their faces.

It made me smile even more and I started to eat some of my food. As everyone is finishing, I stand up and say, "I'm going to go wash the dishes".

"No it's ok. I got it." Austin says standing up and taking my plate for me. "Are you sure?" I ask him. "Yeah. You go spend time with the kids and get to know them" he tells me.

"Ok" I say as I walk over to get Aurora and Noah and take them to the living room.

I sit them both on the couch and ask them, "What do you guys want to do". "Movie" they both say at the same time.

"Aww. Ok. What movie" I ask them "Frozen" Aurora says. "Do you want to see that" I say asking Noah. "Yeah" he says. "Ok" I say turing on the tv and looking for it on Netflix.

I put it on and sit down to watch the movie with my two kids. Then after a few minutes Austin came from washing the dishes and sat down next to me. He smiled at us and put his arm around me. I looked at him and smiled then turned back to the movie.

* 8:00, after the movie *

"We'll did you like the movie kids" I ask Aurora and Noah. "Yes it was really good". Aurora said. "Yeah, I really liked the snowman" Noah said.

"Hey look it's 8. It's time for you guys to go to sleep" Austin told the kids. "But we're not tired" Aurora says whining. "Yeah" Noah says.

"But the sooner the you go to sleep, the sooner you get to wake up and play" I tell them. "Fine" Aurora says standing up. I pick Noah up and take him up to his room.

I ask Austin to change him while I go to Aurora's room and help her get changed. After she gets changed into her pjs, I tuck her in and say goodnight. Then I go into Noah's room and say goodnight.

I go into our room while Austin goes to say goodnight to Aurora. I change into a big tee shirt and leggings and go brush my teeth. When I'm gone I go into the room and Austin comes in.

"Did you say goodnight to them" I ask. "Yeah" he says. I get into the bed while he gets changed. He comes inside the bed and asks me "So did you have fun today" he asks me. "Yeah. I really love these kids even though we just meet them today" I say.

"Yeah me too" he says, "You seem really tired. Let's go to sleep"he says turning off the lights. When I turn my back at him he puts his arm around my waist. "Love you" he tells me. "Love you too" I say with a smile on my face. I close my eyes and go to sleep thinking about how lucky I am to have a great family.

Thank you so much for reading.
Sorry that I haven't updated in a long time.
I have been really busy since its summer.
Hope you enjoyed.
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Love Always,
Bella ❤️

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