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Oh, God. He's perfect. 

I lay there, in the dark, reading yet another fanfiction about my fantasy boyfriend, Nagito Komaeda. It was about 3 in the morning.

Yeah, I'm sure a lot of other fangirls love him, but not like I do.

I can only imagine stroked my fingers through his curly, cloud-like hair~. I instinctively curled my fingers up and released several times as I was trying to find a different "X reader", my face close up to my device with my mouth wide open.

I felt myself began to drool most likely due to the fact that the cover photo of this "X reader" had a very cute, yet sexy and dominant-looking Nagito.

I brought my once curled up hand to my face and wiped my slobber on the back of my hand, my other arm supporting my body and clenching onto my phone that I was reading the fanfiction off of.

Once I finished I sighed gleefully and turned my phone off. I set it to the side of my bed, putting on the charger, and let myself sink into my comfy bed. I pulled up the warm comforter and blankets above my head and curled into a ball.

I slowly drifted into sleep, my mouth curling into a wide smile because I was, surprise surprise, coming up with scenarios with Nagito.


I jerked awake, my heart beating very fast. I looked up and located my mom standing at my door, holding onto the handle.

She had opened it and woken me up. I should be used to this... She did this almost everyday.

I glared at her; sure, I did that everytime she woke me up by enthusiastically yelling, but I had a very cute dream about baby me and, you guessed it, baby Nagito playing at a park.

I don't remember much details, just him and me playing around being cute, especially him, and I wanted to savor those last memories of my precious dream.

She was ruining it! I couldn't let her. I just couldn't. I scowled and jerked myself up so I was sitting up in my bed. I swung the comforter and blankets off me and pouted. "Mama, I wanna go back to sleep." I put on my cute face, which nearly got anyone to "awe" at me or do whatever I wanted them to do.

She rolled her eyes. "You can't sleep forever, ya know!" I continued to argue and she finally gave in.

After she slammed the door and stomped off, don't worry she didn't really mean to be scary she just naturally was, I cuddled back into my warm bed and reached for my phone. I finally got it and turned it on. My background screen was a closeup of Nagito's face looking directly into my eyes. I pretended it was real, he was real.

I softly smiled and felt my heart tighten, not really though, and felt tears prick my eyes.

Why am I crying?? Probably because he's so cute. God, I love him. I squeezed my eyes shut and wiped away my tears.

I still had hope that he'd be real one of these days. Heck, I'd wait a million years just to see him in real life!

And not just another cosplayer. Like, the real deal. Hehe~...

Even before I found out Danganronpa existed, I was all about hope. I had hope for everything. Literally! I was, and still am, an optimistic person. I was once called by someone one of the most optimistic people they've ever met.

I opened my eyes and noticed my phone had automatically turned the screen off. I sighed and set it down. I went through some scenarios I could possibly daydream about or, if I'm lucky, dream about.

Giggling slightly, I snuggled back into my covers, hiding from the real world. I smiled contently and started to conjour up a cute little scene of him showing up at my high school and following me around, talking only to me. It was adorable in my eyes.

I imagined all the girls who hate me going after me, jealous. I then squealed slightly as I thought of Nagito jumping in front of them, defending me.

Gosh, we are sooo alike! All about hope and what not~.

I finally drifting into a peaceful sleep, but sadly I did not dream about Nagito. In fact, I had a terrifying nightmare! I normally had those, that is, until I found out that Nagito existed. Then, I had dreams all the time about him. They were always happy and hope-filling.

This time, it wasn't so hopeful.

This nightmare was actually very detailed, which terrified me. Dreams aren't supposed to be that way, nor nightmares!! ...Right?

Anywho, it was about him picking my ex best friend over me. That sent me into a spiraling pit of despair.

I woke up sweating and heavily breathing. At that moment I raised one of my hands infront of me, I was on my side, and grasped the blanket in front of me.

I wished so badly that Nagito was there to comfort me. The thing was, I was horrified by the thought of Nagito being real and not accepting my love. I mean, if he was real, not to be rude, but I'm sure a lot of people would distance themselves from him. He did go on and on about hope and how he's complete trash. I disagreed soooo much! He's not trash at all.

If anything, he's the compete opposite. He's perfect and adorable and cute and funny and clingy, which is hot- oh, did I mention that he's hot?

Oh, my. I need to stop. I took a deep breath, I was overwhelmed and my heart was beating very fast, and finally got out of bed.

I usually just wore my bra and panties to bed, so I pulled on some shorts and a tanktop and lazily walked over to the mirror on the back of my bedroom door. I grimaced at my sight.

"Wouldn't want my sweetie Nagi to see me like this..." I murmured and walked around, searching my room for my brush. I finally found it under a stack of sketches on my desk. I finished brushing my hair and put it in a slightly messy bun. I adjusted my bangs in the mirror and opened the door. I held my hand out and pretended I was squeezing Nagito's.

Sighing happily, I walked down my hall into the connected living room and kitchen.

A slight smile was painted on my face as I prepared myself for another painful day in the real world without my precious Nagito.

'Here we go...' I pretended he was beside me as I carried on my day like any other ordinary teenager in the world.

The whole day, that smile never left my face.

Notebook: Nagito Komaeda x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now