Chapter 12

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*Arrives home*

Finally we are at Belle's. I get off my bike and walk over to Christian's car. He doesn't actually look happy, probably because I was riding a motorbike.

"Wow! You drive that like a boss" Elliot said excitedly, I'm being to like this dude.

"Thanks" I said giggling and I turn my attention back to Christian and his facial expression softens.

We walk into the house and Belle says she will just go to bed. Shes whispers 'Good luck' in my ear and heads upstairs.

"I'll go watch TV" Elliot said and walks through to the living room.
Me and Christian walk through to the kitchen when my phone started to ring. Its Ethan.
I gesture my finger to Christian signalling I'll be one minute, and I place the phone to my ear.


"Hey how was the gig?"

"Yeah it was really good, thanks but I really have to go just now I'll text you later?"

"Yeah of course, speak soon"

"Ok bye"


I hang up and look to Christian who was staring intently at me. It's kind of intimidating.

"Who was that?" He asks. What's it to him?

"My boyfriend" I said quickly and quietly. God he makes me so nervous.
There is a small pause between us and I can feel the tension building up really quickly.

"How's your daughter" I finally ask, looking at him but not directly.

"She's good and healthy, we named her Pheobe" he replied with a smile.

"Thats a lovely name" I smile back. I can't actually believe that finally feet all these years my biological dad is in the same room as me.

Moments past and Christian pulls out a letter of some sort out of his back pocket and gives it to me. I take it off him and I read it, oh my god! It's the DNA test results.
I am his!
A small lump started to form in my throat. No don't cry!

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you" he softly said.

"Its OK, I mean I wouldn't believed me either" I said looking at the ground.

"Look I don't know how to be a dad to a teenager" he said a little more forcefully, like he didn't know how else to say it.

"I suppose you do have two kids to deal with now, both of them are under the age of five. You don't need me". I said looking back upto him. This is harder than what I thought.

"The thing is ever since your friends showed me those results I can't help but think about you. If your safe. What are your doing. Who are you with". He said with concern.

"Didn't you just get shown this today?" I asked smiling. Not because I was happy but because this man can't possibly be worried about someone he has only known for five minutes.

"Yes I did but I can still worry. I worry about all my children". He replied, OK now he isn't making sense.

"Look I don't know what to say. I understand that you have just found out you have another daughter, but I've just found out that my mum had sex with a fifteen year old boy, that turned out to be my dad. Now I have a gran, two siblings, a uncle, a step-mum. The list goes on and my heads all over the place just now." the tears start to trickle.

"I know but don't fall out with Elena because of me, she did help me" he stated. Wait what!?

"Oh God, I really don't want to know the in's and out's of my mum and Dads sex life thank you very much" I snapped and he chuckles.

"Look I know your not ready to forgive her but please think about it. She obviously really loves you" he said and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"I don't need advise from you" I snap again.

"Im only trying to help" he snapped back. This man is really starting to annoy me.

"Look I think you should go" I said pointing to the door.

"Don't you dare push me out. I want to get to know my daughter!" he shouted a little. Did he just say that? Holy cow! I can't help but cry. I'm not sad, or happy I'm just so confused. How did I get here?
"Oh come here" Christian said pulling me in for a hug, and I didn't pull away. I think this is all what I needed. A hug from my dad.

"I'm sorry" I sob.

"Don't be....Look I'm not going to be father of the year but I would like to try if you will let me?" he asks and hugs me tighter. I nod because that's all I could manage. I turn and look at the clock on the wall and it's just coming up for eleven. Woah time flys.
"I better get back to the hospital" Christian said pulling away.

"Um ok" I stutter wiping away my tears.

"You should come for dinner at my mothers house. Everyone is going to be there. My sister Mia, my brother his wife and Ana as well. We could all get to know you. Please" his voice was full of hope.

"Okay. When is it?" I ask quietly.

"In two days" he smiles.

"Ok can Belle come?" I ask.

"Sure see you then?" he questioned.

"Yeah" I smile at him.
He walks through to the living room to get Elliot and then they both walk out and head for the car.
Christian looks back and gives me a smile and a small wave. I wave shyly, and then they're off. As I closed the door I hear Belle's voice behind me.

"So what happened?" Belle asked.

"God you gave me a fright" I giggled, I go and sit next to her on the stairs and explain to her what just happened.

Dinner with The Greys. Now this is going to be fun!

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