Chapter Four

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When the losers had finally set up both of the tents, the large one for the boys and the smaller for the girls, we got the fire going and took out our least favourite text books. Yes, we were burning books. 

After we burned the books, we went to our separate tents and went to sleep. Well, everyone else went to sleep. I dragged my sleeping bag out of the tent and layed it down on the grass by the fire pit. I wrapped myself up in the bag and looked up at the stars. I felt a tear escape from one of my eyes.

How could he do this to me?

A couple more tears.

How did I not see this coming after all the fights we had. 

More tears and a sob.

Why me?

Now I was completely sobbing. I buried my face in the stomach of my huge stuffed panda. Don't judge me. I've had this thing forever. 

"Ash, come here," I heard a hushed voice say. I looked up through my blurry eyes and saw Luke holding out his arms. I silently crawled into his arms, sitting on his lap again, and clung to his shirt. 

"Shh. It's ok," Luke comforted me, rocking me back and forth gently. 

"How could he do this to me?" I sobbed. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"You didn't do anything. He's just a jerk-faced shower bag," Luke said and I chuckled a little at our inside joke. (Search the word for shower in French and you'll understand)

"You're right. And tomorrow, I'm going to go to his house and tell him. And you have to come with me," I stated firmly. Luke nodded in agreement. 

"Yea. You just gotta show him that you won't let him get to you."

"Yea. I'll do that," I nodded. "Thanks, Lukey. You always know what to say to make me feel better," I said softly, hugging his torso again. 

"As your best friend, it's my job." Yea. Best friend. Why don't I like that title very much?

~ + ~

"What's the plan for today?" Stella asked as we ate breakfast. She is literally the best cook ever. 

"You guys are all gonna go home to get ready," I started saying (we hadn't originally planned on the camp out, so they all slept in borrowed clothes). "And then later the boys are doing their first video with their new drummer."

"Ok, well is someone giving me a ride? My house is too far to walk, you know," Stella pointed out. 

"I'll take you when I drop Michael off," Ashton said with a smile. Stella muttered a "thanks" and looked down at her lap, a blush evident on her cheeks. Aww. They obviously already like each other. I ship it. Hashtag Stash. 

We finished our breakfast and made the boys do the dishes, since Stella cooked and I "helped." Once they finished with the washing, Calum went ahead to his house since he had to walk and it would take longer. I gave Michael a look and he understood what I was saying: he went with Cal to his house so Ash and Stella could be alone. Match-making has to start sometime, right? 

"You are evil," Luke laughed after Ashton and Stella left. 

"What?" I said, playing innocent. 

"You know what I'm talking about," he said, giving me an evil grin. You know what that means. 

"Luke, don't you dare," I warned him, backing away slowly. 

"Oh, I do dare," he said evilly, creeping towards me slowly. I kept backing away until I hit the wall, causing Luke to launch himself forward and tickle my stomach. 

Heartbreak Girl (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now