Chapter Seven

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"Luke?" I asked, trailing behind him as we walked to our neighbourhood from the bus stop. He didn't answer. 

"Luke, what's wrong?" I tried again, jogging a little to catch up with him and walking directly beside him. He looked deep in thought, his hands in his hoodie pockets and his head hanging low. He was smart to have remembered a jacket. It may be summer, but nights can still get cold. 

"It's nothing," he mumbled. I breathed out a short breathe in frustration. 

"You sure?" I asked, trying not to get impatient and lose my temper over him hiding something from me. He nodded in response and I rolled my eyes. I stood in front of him, stopping him from walking any farther. 

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong? What'd I do?" I asked. He looked up at me and said nothing for a couple short minutes. 

"You're getting cold. We should keep walking," he said, unzipping his hoodie. He put it over my shoulders and continued walking, assuming I was following. I put my arms through the holes and slowly ran to catch up with him. We reached his house first, and I ran up the steps ahead of him and blocked the door. 

"I'm not moving until you tell me why you're acting like this," I stated firmly, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Look, Ashlyn, it's just-" he paused, as if searching for the right words to say. "I didn't like seeing you with Tyler again," he finally admitted. 

"Why? He explained everything, and we're trying to work it all out. He told me Belle was nothing to him," I retorted. 

"I just really li-" he hesitated. "-don't want you to get hurt again." I wonder what he was actually about to say. 

"I'm not going to get hurt again. Tyler said he's gonna try to gain back my trust, and I'm gonna let him. If he screws up again, we're over," I shrugged. 

"Whatever makes you happy," he sighed, shaking his head. I tilted my head in confusion.

I still don't understand what's wrong with him. I can only remember him acting like this one other time- and that was when some girl he had a crush on in like third grade starting "going out" with some other guy, you know, however third graders "date." But this a completely different situation. It doesn't make sense for him to act like this over his best friend going out with the guy she was already dating before. I mean, I know Luke and Tyler don't exactly like each other, but Luke can at least be happy for me for trying again with my boyfriend. They say girls are confusing...

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," I said, moving away from the doorway. 

"I'll come over to yours," he said. I was about to step off the little porch, when my waist was grabbed and I was pulled into a hug. 

"Bye," Luke whispered, giving my torso a light squeeze. 

"See ya," I replied, returning the hug, even though I was completely confused. Yea, we hug randomly when we hang out, but he's acting as if we aren't going to see each other forever. 

Luke released me from the hug and opened the front door with the spare key hidden in a potted plant. He entered the house, but not without glancing back at me before shutting the door. Well that was odd. 

My thoughts raced over what could be up with my best friend as I walked a couple houses down to my house. I opened the door with my house key safely kept in my skirt pocket when I realized I still had Luke's hoodie on. I shrugged, Oh well. I'll just give it to him tomorrow. I would keep it, but it actually goes down to the middle of my thigh. I'm so freakin short and he's so freakin tall. Like 5'10 or something. 

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