Chapter Seventeen

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"Luke," I whispered. He groaned softly and rolled over to face me. "You awake?"

"Yea, I'm awake," he replied softly. "What time is it?"

"It's a little after midnight," I answered. "I think everyone else is in bed by now." I heard the rustle of the sheets as Luke got up out of the bed and went to put his shoes on. I was already ready to go. We were both wearing sweatpants and hoodies with flip-flops (or thongs, as he calls them). He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his guitar. I had convinced him to bring it because every bonfire has to have music. Everyone knows that.

We tried going downstairs quietly, but the stairs would creak every once in a while, making me wince. Once we had finally gotten to the bottom of the stairs, it seemed like we didn't wake anyone up. Which isn't really surprising; the creaking wasn't that loud. We quietly made our way to the front door, trying not to bump into anything.

"Finally," I sighed when we were outside. I hate having to go so slowly to try to sneak out of the house. Yes, I've done it before, but it was only to go to Luke's. It's not like I was doing anything bad.

Luke held his guitar in one hand and my hand in his other as we trekked towards the beach. When we got there, Oli, Zach, Lauren, and most all the other people that were playing volley ball were sat around a pretty big fire.

"Hey, Ashlyn and Luke!" Lauren called, waving us over. We walked over and sat on the empty space beside her, me sitting in between Lauren and Luke.

We spent the next few hours singing and talking. I found out that Lauren actually didn't live too far away from Sydney.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Lauren asked. I looked over at Luke with a slightly panicked look.

"Um, about two months now," I answered, thinking back to when I first started having feelings for Luke.

"You guys are seriously so cute together," she gushed.

"Please," I heard Zach mutter to himself.

"Do you have a problem, Zach?" Lauren demanded.

"No, no," he dismissed her.

"I know what his problem is," I piped up. "He's upset that he got beat by a couple girls."

"And that his 'charm' was unaffected," Lauren added. Zach scoffed and walked away towards a group of guys who looked as jerky as he is.

"I really don't like him," Luke muttered, pulling me closer to him.

"You have nothing to worry about, Lu," I reassured him, smiling up at him. He smiled back and leaned down to kiss my nose, causing me to scrunch it up.

"I need a boyfriend," Lauren mumbled under her breath. "So, Luke. You bring that guitar to play or just to look at?"

"Yea, Luke, play something," I said. I got up off his shoulder and scooted away so he'd have enough space for his guitar.

"What do you want me to play?" he questioned.

"Just The Way You Are?" I requested. He nodded and started playing, smiling at me every once in a while; he knows that it's my favourite cover of his.

It started off with just him singing, then I joined him (I have an ok voice - definitely not as good as Luke's). Eventually, people noticed that there was music being played, and whoever knew the song started singing along. When the song ended, people started throwing out song requests, and Luke played them if he knew them. Everyone seemed to be having fun with the live music, all except for Zach and his crew. He seemed to be pouting over not having all of the female attention.

"You should be famous," Lauren stated after Luke finished another song.

"I'm working on it," he chuckled.

"Luke's in a band and they have a pretty good fan base," I input.

"What's the band called? I'll look you guys up," Lauren said.

"5 Seconds of Summer," Luke replied.

"Luke, we should probably head back now; it's almost three," I said.

"You're right," he replied. "Sorry, guys. We're going to have to go now," he said loudly so everyone could here him. He stood up, grabbing my hand.

"Hold on a second, guys," Lauren said. She quickly stood up and hugged me. "I'm leaving tomorrow," she explained.

"It was great meeting you," I said, letting go of Luke's hand to hug her back. "We should meet up when we go back to Sydney." We exchanged numbers, and Luke and I went back towards our cabin.

"That was fun, but I am exhausted," I said, proving my statement by letting out a yawn. Luke chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

"Luke, shush," I whispered as he tried to open the front door.

"I can't help it, it's the door," he replied in the same hushed tone. He slowly opened the door and followed me inside. Just as we completely entered the living room, a light turned on, causing the two of us to freeze in our hand-in-hand sneaking positions.

"Busted," my mom sang.

"Shoot," I muttered to myself.


We didn't get in too much trouble for sneaking out. I mean, our curfew was cut back from midnight to ten, and we had to inform our parents of our every move outside of the cabin, but it could've been worse, I guess.

Today we're going back home. I'm a little upset to leave this place, but I'm also happy to be going home. As soon as we get home, I'm going to talk to Tyler, since we technically didn't completely break up; we were just on a break. Then, after that, I'll give Luke my answer. It's probably pretty obvious what my answer is.

"Ok you guys, you have an hour to do whatever after breakfast until we leave," my mom told us. "We're going to load everything in the car for you as long as it's already packed." Luke and I quickly finished our breakfast and ran upstairs to pack everything. As soon as it was all packed, we decided on going to the little stream we went to on our first day here.

"Can't you tell me now?" Luke questioned. "It's killing me."

"Sorry, Lu, but the deal was I tell you my decision after the trip," I said. I know I could easily tell him now, but I still have to officially break up with Tyler. "Besides, I thought you'd know my answer by now," I said, linking my fingers together behind his neck. He rested his hands on my hips and smiled down at me.

"I hope that means what I think it does."

"It probably does," I replied. I stood up on my tiptoes and connected our lips together, slowly kissing him.

At first I thought it would be weird dating my best friend, then I was just scared of what would happen if we broke up and didn't stay as close as before. Now, I'm willing to take the chance. I really like Luke, and he really likes me. So why wouldn't I take a chance?

"We should probably go back to the cabin now," he mumbled against my lips.

"We probably should," I agreed, kissing him one more time.

I think this is almost over

Early update because no update last week

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