He's sick

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When he was sick he wanted all your attention to be on him. You had to make his soup, make his tea and get everything for him. But most importantly, you had to cuddle with him. He said that cuddles made him healthier and happier, you didn't argue. He got more emotional and would often tell you how much you meant for him.


He could be a little clingy, you couldn't leave him alone for five minutes before he needed something. You didn't mind helping him but enough was enough. You needed some alone time too. So when you went to works you'd stay for an extra hour but when you got home you'd cuddle up next to him until you both fell asleep.


He would deny the fact that he wasn't in his best condition. It took you hours of begging but he finally caved in and took a nap. When he woke up he would feel a lot better but you'd still make him soup and tea and make sure he was getting better.


You had to force him to stay home and not to go to work. He'd argue about it but would eventually give up, knowing you would never let him leave in this state. He had one condition to stay home and that was that you would too. So instead of working you were cuddling at home, watching a movie and taking naps.


You had to convince him that England wouldn't fall if he took one day to look after himself. He hesitated and would try and come up with some excuse to get up and work. But you were having none of it. He'd take a nap while you were reading or watching tv. When he woke up he'd give you a kiss and thank you for caring so much about him.

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