Stolen kiss

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You were sleeping soundlessly on the couch when he got back home. You tried to stay up for him. He smiled at the sight and picked you up, bridal style, and carried you to your bedroom. With a light kiss on your lips he curled up by your side as he fell asleep. 


You were talking on and on about something you've heard on the radio and John found it har to keep up with what you were saying. And instead of telling you to shut up he quickly kissed your lips, making you forget what you were talking about.


You were cooking dinner for the two of you when you suddenly felt a pair of arms around your waist and an familiar breath tickling you in the crock of your neck. Jim spun you around and gave you a passionate kiss before stalking of again, leaving you to wonder what just happened. 


You were reading the newspaper while drinking your favorite beverage when Greg came, breathing heavily. He quickly kissed your lips before telling you he was needed at the station and left without another word. 


He had been out of town for a few days, on a business trip, and he wanted to surprise you. You were half sleeping in your bed as you heard the door open. When you turned around you felt a pair of lips on yours and quickly backed away before seeing it was Mycroft, which made you lean back into the kiss. 

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