Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sherlock was lying watching John sleep when the moving van shuddered to a halt. The other boy was curious. A mutant, sort of like Sherlock, but not. He obviously had a family considering the amount he had talked about his daddy, mummy and older sister Harry the whole journey before falling into a deep slumber. Yes, he definitely had people who cared for him. Unlike Sherlock.

Not that the six year old care. He didn't need people. He had though he had needed Mycroft, Greg and all the others but they had gone and left him. He was still fine. True, he felt a little betrayed. More than that. A deep hatred ran through his veins. But he would not dwell on that. Not just now.

"Are we there?" John mumbled, rubbing his eyes before blinking them open. Sherlock just shrugged before wrapping his raven black wings around him. Hiding behind the feathers, almost. Even in the hours they had spent stuck in the van together he hadn't quite got used to John's presence. He was surprisingly easy to get on with and all but... Sherlock hadn't properly talked to anyone out with a group of four people his whole life.

John's question was answered only a few minutes later. The back doors of the van were pulled open, revealing the great outdoors. It was bathed in the evening sunlight and seemed so... strange to Sherlock. At least what he could see of it past the two rather burly security guards (if you could call them that) that stood by the doors. Along with a scientist of reasonable height that Sherlock had never seen before in his life. Had obviously came with them, though. Wasn't from this new place they were going to.

"Daddy!" John practically squealed, jumping up from his bed and running over to the scientist. He flung himself into the man's arms with a light laugh. Sherlock pulled his wings tighter around him, covering his eyes. He did not want to watch that.

John's father was a scientist... Ugh. That did explain a lot. But still. A scientist. Sherlock did not like the scientists. Not one bit. He eventually peered over his feathers to see John being led away by his father. Last minute he turned around and waved at Sherlock with a wide grin. Sherlock gave a small wave back before glancing at the two guards standing at the doors. Almost as if they were waiting for him. They probably were. To escort him to whatever would be his new 'home.'

The six year old pulled his wings against his back and slowly stood up, moving towards the door. The guards instantly flanked him and moved towards a small single story white building. So similar to the one he had just left. He guessed that most of the rooms were underground. Sherlock glanced around. He could escape now. They wouldn't be able to stop him. He would just spread his wings and fly. He had been shown how to. Mycroft had taught him. Not that he'd had much practice.

But... Where would he go? He was six. They would find him in a matter of weeks. He was smart. Sherlock knew he was smart. Mycroft had always told him that he was smart but they would still find him. He had no one to help him. When the other four had escaped they had had each other. Sherlock had no one. Not that he needed anyone. No, people were stupid.

So he couldn't escape. He would just continue to survive. Watch and learn. When he was older he would get out. It wouldn't be too hard. There were all idiots, after all. Even at six Sherlock could see that. They were powerful idiots, though. Very powerful.

Sherlock scowled as he was led into the building. One of the guards had put a rough hand on Sherlock's shoulder, as if he would escape. As if. He was smart enough to know that he wouldn't get anywhere. For all he knew his brother (who was loathe to even think about) could have been captured by now. Him and the other four. They couldn't have got far.

Colourful eyes roamed about as Sherlock took in everything. The route they took. The room they entered.

What met him was shocking. A bit of a change from his last living conditions. A rather large room filled with long lines of... cages. They couldn't have been more than six foot by six foot. Tiny. From what he could see they were locked electronically which meant that there was no way to pick the lock. Because, well, there wasn't one. Many different creatures were in the cages. Some human hybrids, others animal hybrids. From what Sherlock could tell none were in good state. No, they were all dying. All experiments that hadn't worked. He felt sick. It was far worse than he had imagined.

Maybe escape was a better option. He didn't want to be put in one of those... Cages. Yes, escape it was.

The six year old suddenly unfurled his wings, using the surprise cause by this to wrench himself from the guards grasp. He darted for the door with his wings flying out behind him. He knew the route. He knew the way out. Then he could get away from this place. This horrible place. Maybe he would find Mycroft out there in the world. Not that he wanted to find Mycroft.

Sherlock skidded out there door, looking about wildly. He ran down the corridor, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He turned a corner and suddenly he was sprawled on the floor. A mess of limbs and wings. His eyes widened as he looked up. The scientist he had crashed into was female with a rather... cruel look about her. One of the ones who did the mutating, Sherlock guessed. His hopes fell. He wouldn't make it. It was only mere seconds before his escorts caught up, grabbing him roughly. His wings drooped and he felt almost dejected. He had failed. He was destined to spend his life in the horrible place. He was just an experiment. He would never been anything more.

The scientist almost seemed to be glaring at him as she brushed down her white lab coat.

"Experiment five," her voice was cold, eerily so. "There is no escape from here. Not anymore." She turned briskly and walked off. Leaving six year old Sherlock really rather confused. Not anymore? Had someone... escaped before. It only took a moment this time to switch on that ability he had discovered earlier. Telepathy he believed the name was.

There's no chance of escape.

Ha ha since subject thirteen security has been increased. This mutant freak has no chance.

Sherlock's brain worked quickly as the thoughts flooded in. Subject thirteen. Subject thirteen. They were all about him and another experiment... Subject twelve. Sherlock was curious as to who they were.

He did not have much time to dwell on the thoughts before  a needle was pushed into his skin and he blacked out.

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