Chapitre 46

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Pdv de Kurapika :

I remember the first time when I saw Krista

We hated eath other to death

But we loved in secret

She changed me to better

She changed my life

I was always sad serious and angry

But she changed me

She steal my hearth and everything I have to make it amazing

From Krista Zaidyck

To Krista Kuruta

From freinds

To bestfreinds

From lovers

To a couple

From a couple

To married couple

I Kurapika Kuruta take you Krista Zaidyck to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sicknesse and in health to love and in to cherish till death do us part according god's holy ordinance and there to pledge myslef to you .

I will always be here for you I love you so take my hand and let's continue our love story...

Pdv de Yaiko :

It's hard to belive it

We are so close

I was broken and alone

Once I meet you

I was able to smile again

From freinds

To lovers

To married lovers

I Krista Zaidyck take you Kurapika Kuruta to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sicknesse and in health to love and in to cherish till death do us part according god's holy ordinance and there to beldge myself to you .

I said those words and I don't regret

If you need

A hug

A kiss

Turn around and you will find me

Our love is so strong then the phantome troup combained

So let me just say

I will always be by your way today and forever

I love you


Hunter X Hunter : Kurapika Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant