Chapter 1

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     The hot sun beats down on Azula as she treks down the all too familiar hill she has been trekking down for the past 5 months. After getting tired of the asylum she was placed in and going on a search for her mother, she decided it was time to just start over. She despises her brother, mother, former friends, and just about anyone who used to be an important part of her life. Living alone is the best option. After all, nobody loves Azula, the supposed-to-be Fire Lord and former princess of the Fire Nation.

     Azula's face snarls in disgust as she thinks about her "family". "Heh, family. It seems I don't have one of those anymore. Oh well. I'm better off alone, anyway." Pushing her resentment down the pit of her stomach, she crawls down to the muddy ground into her "home", a cave. The dew and humidity makes her feel uneasy, but she gets used to it more each day. She takes the straw basket she made the day before off her shoulders and unpacks all the fruit she gathered for dinner. A fresh fig tree is growing not far from her cave and she's glad for her luck. She gets into a more comfortable position to eat. "What I have isn't great, but it's helped me live for a while," she thought, "so I guess dinner is served." Chewing silently into the evening, Azula wonders what it would be like if she didn't run away.

So this is my first book, I'm hoping you all like the idea! (idea credit due to @grither55)
If anybody has ideas on how to lead the story or any critiques, feel free to comment! Thank you for reading and I hope you keep it up!

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