20 Questions

124 4 6

Ok so I tag Sarah_3093, BiaRG_04 ,AliceDragnolia Hayashi_Megumi ,let's begin shall we. And I was tagged by Angelldoll56

1. My phone, I just love my Iphone 4s or like I like to call it brick phone.

2. Nothing..... I'm a guy.

3. Flowers Sakura, they are just beautiful.

4. I don't care, sometimes I go walking and say "Hey that's a cloth store I'm gonna go buy one thing"

5. I don't know the name..... But I know I got it for my trip to Disney

6. AngelDoll56 you know I'm a guy right?

7. I try....

8. Light Blue

9. Yes, Mountain Dew.

10. Yes, I love passion frute

11. Yes and it's my favorite sport

12. No, wait some people do this?

13. .....

14. Yes.

15. Not really I know how to control my madness

16. Nah, I don't even like that much Ghostbusters.

17. Insectophobia I guess.

18. When I'm nervious.

19. No I'm a save guy.

20. Nope, neither tea.

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