Chapter 5

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Christina's POV

We arrived at the shopping center and went straight to the food court for lunch then afterward walked around the shops. I occasionally would see things I liked and debated whether or not I really wanted it. So far I had bought nothing except for food and bubble tea.

I stopped when I saw a store with a cute dress in the window. I normally didn't like dresses that much, but that was one I wouldn't mind wearing. It was black and sleeveless. The top was form-fitting, but the bottom went out a bit with the ruffles.

"Do you want to go in or just stand here all day?" Phil teased. I simply smiled and rolled my eyes walking towards the entrance. I searched for my size as Dan and Phil looked around not to pleased to be in this girlyish store. I finally found the cute, yet somewhat expensive, black dress and made my way to the register with Phil and Dan following closely behind me.

I set the dress down on the counter and Phil started to pull out his wallet. "I'm paying," I said bluntly as I pulled out my own money.

"It's fine. I can get it," he pulled out his debit card, but I gave the lady my money before he had a chance to.

"You didn't have to pay you know. I couldn't done it," he said as we were aimlessly walking around the mall once again.

"My dress, my money. I don't need anyone to pay for me," I told him. "Thanks for offering though," I smiled.

He smiled back and we kept walking. After a few more stores and purchases we were on our way back to their flat at last.

I walked into my room and threw my numerous shopping bags on the floor by the wooden desk in the corner. Plugging my dying phone in I unlocked it to text Bryce.

Following my question of if he could Skype I got a Skype call from him on my laptop.

"Hey babe," he grinned.

"Hi! How's your day been?" I asked him smiling since I hadn't talked to him in a while.

"To be honest, pretty shitty especially since you're not here."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could be there. It sucks that I'm going have to wait so long until I can see you again," I frowned.

"Maybe I could come visit you sometime?"

"That would be great!"

We continued to talk about how things had been and everything we've been doing until he once again got off in a hurry when someone apparently arrived. Each time he did that confused me as I wondered who had been there. I decided not to question it. He had given me no reason not to trust him so I shouldn't worry, right?

After hanging up the call I continued to be bored until Dan, Phil, and I rented a movie and ordered pizza. Of course they had to pick a scary movie. I did love a good horror film, but I never much enjoyed the nervousness or nightmares that followed it.

Phil sat on the chair leaving the couch for Dan and I. During the movie I slowly got closer to Dan as the movie got more and more terrifying until I was curled up into his side hiding my face from the gruesome events on the TV's screen. I heard him chuckle after I lifted my head to see what was going on. I let out a soft, scared squeal and hid my face again when I saw the serial killers bloody, disfigured victims.

After the movie, they had an idea of watching another terrifying movie, an idea I quickly shot down. I convinced them to put on a not so spine- chilling movie and they eventually agreed.

Throughout the movie my eyelids got heavier and heavier until they closed not to be opened until morning.

A/N Here's the chapter! Hope you don't hate it! haha and don't forget to vote and comment!!

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