Chapter 55

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A/N Ok so I typically wouldn't start with an author's note but it has been quite a long time since I have used this account or written in all honesty. I always intended on coming back to finish this story but life kept getting in the way and a lot has happened since I last updated. Like I said though, I always intended to finish this and I still will. I've reread my story to catch myself back up and I still have all my old ideas on how to continue along with some new ones so if you're still up for reading this one I'm very much still up to writing it. Enjoy!

Christina's POV

I froze as the unfamiliar lips met mine. So many things were already going through my mind and now my brain was going into full overload; I didn't know how to react. I pushed James away from me and tried to form words but nothing would come out. Before my brain could form an articulate sentence my feet had taken me out of the flat.

"Wait!" I heard James voice catching up behind me. I sped up but then felt his hand on my shoulder.

"James, what the fuck," I said exasperated as I turned around.

"Chrissy, listen I don't know what came over me," he said catching his breath.

"I'm so confused right now. So many things have happened in the last 24 hours and you have the nerve to add onto that. Why would you do that?"

"I just have wanted to for so long and I'm sorry I just couldn't keep it from you any longer. Chrissy, I'm in love with you."

I shook my head wishing this whole situation was some crazy dream and I'd wake up and still be with Dan and nothing would have happened at that party. "You know I still have feelings for Dan and I went to you because I trusted you and needed to talk to someone about everything that happened. How in the world did you think that was an okay thing to do?"

James looked down at the ground with the most disappointed look on his face. "I don't know," he trailed off.

"Look, I'm sorry but I don't have those kind of feelings for you. I love Dan and nothing you do is going to change that."

"I understand," James said not looking me in the eye. "I'm sorry Chrissy."

He turned around still never meeting my gaze and sulked back towards his building.

I sighed and started walking home with my mind still racing. I just needed to talk to my best friend and now I had no idea where James and I stood. I couldn't just forget about that kiss and I certainly had no one left to talk to. I walked into the flat slamming the door behind me startling Dan who was sitting on the couch playing a game. He looked up at me before turning all of his attention back to the game without saying a word. I briskly walked into my room not looking back and the second I closed my door the tears began to fall. Why did everything have to be so confusing?

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling completely ignoring my phone every time it went off. As time went by and I realized laying in silence with my thoughts probably wasn't the best option for me I got my laptop out to pull up Netflix so I could get sucked into another world that had nothing to do with my problems. After a couple episodes their was a faint knock on my door.

"Come in," I said pausing my Netflix.

"Chrissy, what happened with James?" my brother asked walking in and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What are you talking about? What did he say? How did you know anything happened," I asked defensively not wanting to talk about this issue just yet.

"When I Addy and I got to their flat he wouldn't come out of his room and when he did he just said something happened and he didn't want to talk about it."

"Well maybe I don't want to either," I said turning my attention back to my laptop and unpausing the show.

Phil shut my laptop and moved it to the side. "Chrissy please just talk to me."

"Fine. We kissed," I said looking down at my hands. "Well, he kissed me. I didn't kiss him back. I just ran out of the flat."

"You ran?"

"Well, I quickly walked out. I didn't know how to respond, but he followed me out and said he was in love with me and I told him I still loved Dan and now I don't know what to do but I'm pretty sure I just lost my best friend."

Phil wrapped his arms around me in a hug, "I'm sorry, I know that must be hard."

"It is and I was only over there because I'm so confused about Dan, and he still did that right after I told him I still wanted to be with him. He still just kissed me. I'm so stupid," I said letting go of my brother.

"Why are you the stupid one in this situation? You didn't initiate the kiss," he pointed out.

"I know but all this time that I swore he didn't have feelings for me he did. I fought with Dan so much over that. I broke up with him over that, and the whole time he was totally right."

"Chrissy, if you still have feelings for Dan then you should talk to him."

I shook my head, "I already messed up more than once and I know he does not want to hear from me."

"I know for a fact that he misses you like crazy. I don't think you could've done anything that would make him not want to talk to you."

"Trust me, Phil. I definitely did something like that. I ruined everything and now I don't have Dan or James."

"You'll always have Addy and me. I won't make you tell me what you did but if you give him some time I know Dan can't be mad at you forever."

I smiled to the best of my abilities in my current self deprecating state. "Thanks, it does help to talk to you about this."

"I'm glad," he smiled standing up. "I'll let you get back to your show but if you need anything at all I'll be right down the hall."

"Thank you," I said as he walked out the door. I pressed play again on my show a little less upset than before. I didn't have Dan or James but I did have a great big brother who was always going to be there for me.

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