1873-London, England
The nights cool air rose goosebumps on Emilia's arms. She wore a strapless ball gown, that brushed along the floor as she walked. The moons silver light, lighting a pathway, guiding her to her safe place. Sensing that someone was already there, she slowed her pace and slipped into the shadows of the trees. Sticks and stones dug into her bare feet but that didn't bother her. The scratches they left quickly healed over. Making it to the edge of the small clearing, hanging back in the shadows, she watched a young man wander in circles and mumble to himself. Although she could hear what he was saying she tried not to, wanting to make it a surprise for herself.
"William." She whispered to the boy.
His head whipped around to where she was standing. "Emilia, is that you?" he asked narrowing his eyes, straining to see her. He could only see the outline of her, until she stepped into the clearing. He stood there staring, taking all of her in. From her bare feet that peeked out from under her ball gown, to her chest where a simple necklace rested, her gorgeous black eyes that were a shade lighter then her wavy hair, that hung to her waist. Light, olive skin clear of any pores or blemishes. A grin stretched across her lips. She ran to his out stretched arms, almost nocking him to ground. He hung onto her, holding her tight as if he would never see her again. Their bodies pressed together he brushed her cheek with his lips and pressed his lips to hers. It had been six months and his love for her never died. Nor did hers. She pulled away slowly and touched his face lightly. Her skin was cold, just as it was the last few times he saw her.
"You are cold?" he whispered in her ear. She shook her head. "I have never been cold." She says, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He studies her face. "Even the thickest man gets cold. And your skin is like ice."
"I assure you, I am no where near cold."
Trailing his fingers down her arms he said. "There is something I've been meaning to ask you."
She raised her eyebrows.
"I-I want you to come away with me. Sail the oceans with me-"
She started to shake her head, sorrow in her eyes.
"Wait just let me finish. I love you Emilia. I love how you're perfect. I love how you move faster then anyone I know. How your eyes are almost as dark as your hair. How when you walk it looks like you glide across the ground. The way you act as if you are centuries older then me, when you are only seventeen in a few months. I love your smile. Your cheeky grin. The way you talk. I love that you are a dark princess. I love you."
A pause. "I love you as well, more then I should but-"
"Then come away with me." he said taking her face in his hands.
"There is so much you do not know about me. So much you are never allowed to know. I am nothing like you think I am." She placed her hands over his and detached them from her face.
"I know who you are, what you are. Do I not?"
She shakes her head, looking down at the ground, letting her hair fall into her face. He placed his fingers under her chin and gently rose it, until her eyes met his.
"Then tell me who you are."
"I can not. I wish I could. I wish I could come away with you. But I can not."
Emilia watched as his eyes filled with pain, his lips quivering slightly as he speaks. "I love you Emilia. Do not ever forget that or me." With that he kissed her lips, lingering for a moment longer. Then placing a kiss on her forehead he left. Left her. Her heart breaking. Her eyes filled with tears. She let them roll down her face as she knelt on the ground. She had never felt a pain as terrible. Pull yourself together. She thought to herself. Countless times, over the centuries, she had to do just that. Turn away the ones she loved. It almost killed her every time. But love was forbidden by her kind and her father. She sat there for a while, until the sun rose over the mountains. By then she had come to a decision. Her time in London was over, it was time to move on. Start a new life, again. She imagined the portal in front of her, the white light shining. Thinking of the place she wanted to disappear to. She opened her eyes and watched as the portal grew. She stepped through the glowing portal, leaving everything behind. The new family she built, the friends she made and the love she lost. Vanishing into thin air, never to be seen again.

FantasyEmilia has been walking this earth for centuries. Being half demon has its perks but it's not all happy endings. She's about to discover things she never new and go places she's never been before. Forbidden love and games no one wants to play. Will...