Toaster-Belly Boy

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There once was a boy with a toaster for a belly.

Too bad his head wasn't filled with nice jelly.

But if there was one thing in this world that the boy hated most,

It was that whenever he ate, it popped back out as toast.

And not a nice kind of toast, mind you,

But a sickly green mush toast that made you want to puke.

It would shoot out of his stomach and hit the teacher during a lesson,

Which earned him many an underserved detention.

The children would tease him and make him feel bad,

They called him "Toast Face" and "Green Mush Lad".

At last when he could take it no more

He simply gave in and slumped to the floor.

Then his teachers carried him out the door.

There was a big splash and receding footsteps,

Happy at the thought of a class with a little less stress.

But never did they think, not even in their dreams,

That all the way back there in that little stream,

Poor Toaster-Belly Boy, all cold and wet

Had been electrocuted to death.

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