The Louse

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There once was a louse who lived on an island way over there,

Not a normal island, but an island of hair!

It was on a man's head and because he was old, 

The rest of his head was completely bald.

This poor wispy tuft was the louse's only lifeline

"Please God get me off, it's so oily!" he'd whine.

He was there a long time wearing holes in his pants, 

Until finally one day he saw his chance.

There was another head, a human head, passing by,

And he knew he'd have to launch himself into the sky.

He took a flying leap and missed the head

And landed in a heap on the ground instead.

He looked around to find himself in a puddle,

Far more oily than the island and in a complete muddle.

Then he saw the man drop the match

And there was nothing the louse could do to prevent an instant catch.

The puddle went up in flames right then and there,

And all that was left was the smell of burnt hair.

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