Chapter 6

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  Kelly and I leave Lady Beatrice and her family. We exit through the East Wing door that will take us to the debriefing rooms. I'm still shaking from the anticipation of hunting down my mother. She'd been so hard to track these past centuries. The latest sighting of her was decades ago. She was spotted, pregnant. I had run to Father demanding an explanation on why he had seen Mother and not told me.

  He told me that he hadn't seen Mother since my power presentation, which meant that Mother was planning something, something that made her need a new ally, one that would be permanent. I tighten my hold on Kelly's arm causing her to wince. "Easy there Ken, or you might have to get me a new arm."

  A smile forms on my face at the new nickname she's given me, and I pinch her. She snorts and rolls her eyes. We enter the debriefing room. There's a young teenage boy sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. I quickly recognize him as Zeak, Sofie's mate. Zeak has a very nerdy look to him, his face is covered in pimples, and dirty blonde hair, that is always out of whack, covers his head. He keeps twiddling his glass in his hand. He's always super nervous, but yet calm around Sofie. I smile, he's the perfect match for her.

  "Zeak, thank you for waiting on us." says Kelly.

  Zeak nods. He looks into the darkened windows on the wall and flashes a nervous smile at the glass. Sofie must be watching us. Of course. She's always so protective about Zeak. She's probably sending him encouragement through the bond that all mates have with each other, it allows them to communicate secretly.

  "Zeak,  I want you to tell Kennedy everything you just told me. Ok? You're not in trouble."

  He sucks in some air and looks me in the eye. I see the panic in his scared blue eyes. I give him a reassuring smile.

  "Ok. Well, I was patrolling the dimension Pluma and saw men stationed on the south side of it. I watched them from behind a bush. They had a camp and everything. It looked like they'd been there for awhile. When I was about to leave a very tall man with golden hair came out of one of the big tents.  He had a bear tattoo on his arm. He looked exactly like you, but with golden hair, and he was a boy.... I thought that you had swallowed a potion that made you a boy and dyed your hair, so I started to leave my spot and go to the man....." Zeak pauses 

  "What? What happened next?" I'm so anxious to hear the rest of this strange story that I almost shout at him.

   "Well, the man was engulfed by a blinding yellow light. Then, standing in his place was a giant brown bear." Zeak gulps, "His men also turned into bears but different colors. It looked like what we can do, you know turn into wolves and stuff. I was so scared. Next, they brought out a girl..... She was beautiful. She looked like an angel but with tears and dirt on her face. She had the mark of the Creature's sword on her arm."

   I look at Kelly with shock written plainly across my face. The Creature is the being that gave my family their powers, nobody has worn Its mark because it's against the law. Before the Creature died, it said it would take back what had been stolen from It, which meant it would kill my family.

   "The woman looked like you too, but she was tanner and had brown eyes and black hair with streaks of blue in it. They told the girl to locate the Creature's sword so they could kill you,  Alpha." Tears start streaming down Zeak's face. " The girl refused and was swallowed up in a grey light. Then she was gone and the men were furious. They snarled at their leader saying the name......Kenneth."

    My blood turns cold. Kenneth is my half brother. I've hated him his entire life. We've only met on the battle field. We always order our men to stay away from each other because we want the satisfaction of killing the other. His spirit animal is the brown bear. That's why I wear a brown bear's hide in neutral dimensions, to show that I'm not afraid of him. He does the same with white wolf fur.

  "Around what time did this happen?" I ask.

  Zeak frowns, thinking. "I think around noon today."

    Kelly and I lock eye contact. Noon today was the time that I started having a fit. My power seemed older. I kept speaking this one name. Stella. It lasted for two hours. I saw the two strange women, but this time there was another figure. The figure was female and wore a grey cloak concealing all of her features. She had a sword in her hand. The blade of the sword was divided into four sources of power. Earth, Fire , Water, and Air. The hilt had the 'Gem Of Fate'. One side of the gem glowed brightly with the power of Life, while the other side was darkened with the power of Death. The hilt was made of stars. I will never forget that sword.

 The figure spoke to me saying that I needed to remember. That there was a mission. Then she raised her sword and drove it into the ground, causing the ground to crack and shake. Buried under the ground was the army of  The Skeletons. Then a portal appeared and creatures with snow white skin and hair appeared. They also had pointy ears. They were the army of the Fey. The figure said that this was my army. I told Kelly about the women but not the new figure.

  "Did the men happen to say this girl's name?" I whisper, afraid of the answer.

  Zeak nods his head, "Yes, they said her name was Stella."

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