Chapter 19

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  I open my eyes and see two men fighting with swords in front of me. They look identical, from their brown hair to their height. The only difference is that one is wearing a grey shirt while the other one wears a black shirt.

"They shouldn't be doing this. I love Luke not Lange." says a familiar beautiful voice.

  I turn my head to the right and see Kennedy and her entire Evil family sitting in a row of golden chairs. Her Father is in the middle with her to his left. Kennedy's brown hair is in a ponytail and she's wearing a grey blouse and black jeans, like usual. Attached around her wrist are chains, chaining her to her chair. She's sitting on the edge of her, worried eyes fixed on the two men fighting.

"Kennedy dear, all evidence points to Luke putting you under a trance to fall in love with him. For Creature's sake there was a love potion in his personal chambers, and you know how I feel about those retched things!" King Dark yells at Kennedy.

  Kennedy shakes her head disbelievingly, "No, I felt it when we kissed. The spark that Derrick felt when he kissed that witch he calls a wife." Some of Kennedy's family members turn their attention away form he two boys and instead to Derrick, who is sitting to Kennedy's left.

  A family member close to where I'm standing on the end whispers to the other one beside it, "How does she know about the Spark?" The other one shrug her shoulders. "No idea, but you know how Kennedy is. Always sneaking around Dark's castle, I wouldn't be surprised if she overheard it. Looks like we have a winner."

  I look over to where the tow men are fighting, who I can only guess are Luke and Lange. Luke, I think, has his sword to Lange's throat. A sigh of relief escapes Kennedy, "I told you he would win." Luke removes his sword from Lange's throat, I feel something brush up against my arm and look down to see Wolfie staring at Luke and Lange.

"This is where everything went down hill." he says sadly.

  Luke sheaths his sword and turns his back to Lange and waves his hand at Kennedy. Kennedy smiles and starts to wave but stops with a look of horror, "Luke! Behind you!"

  Lange plunges his sword through his brothers chest, Luke leans against Lange and falls to the ground. Kennedy runs toward Luke but is yanked back by her chains, she screams and pulls against the chains. King Dark unsheathes his sword and brings it up to cut Kennedy's chains, but the chains break and snap as grey liquid seeps over them, freeing Kennedy. King Dark stares at the chains awestruck. Kennedy runs full speed to Luke and throws a fireball at a fleeing Lange.

"Come. Hop onto my back and I will carry you to them." implies Wolfie.

  I hop onto Wolfie's back, he runs to where Kennedy is holding a dying Luke in her lap. He slows down when we reach them, I slide off of him and crouch down beside Kennedy. Luke stares into Kennedy's hazel eyes and smiles, "I'm sorry my love, please forgive me for leaving you in this cruel world."

"Forgive you? What do I need to forgive you for? You're going to shake this off and be back to normal." she sobs.

"I'll wait for you, I'll wait even if it's forever. I... love.. you." Luke coughs up blood and closes his eyes, and stops breathing.

  Kennedy shakes him, "Luke? Luke! Wake up!" Tears stream down her face and she brings her face close to his and whispers, "You're the only one who understood me." I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see Kennedy's grandfather, Death cautiously walk over to Kennedy.

"Kennedy. I have to take him now, so please hand over his body so I can remove his soul from it." Death reaches down and puts his hand down on Kennedy's shoulder, she jerks away from his touch, "No!"

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