Chapter 20

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  I clench my fist and focus on staying calm. The pain usually comes when I get excited or angry. So not good right now since I'm in gym class and we're sparring today. I sigh. Why is it that when I don't want to spar we spar and when I want to we don't.

  "Bucky and Joe." Kelly yells.

  I step up to the mat and look at my opponent, a skinny human boy with sandy brown hair. He looks at me nervously and gets in a fighting stance, keeping his hands close to his face. I get in my fighting stance and wait for Kelly to blow the whistle. I take a deep breath and smell vanilla, the forest, and water. It smells so good that I focus on it and don't hear Kelly blow the whistle.

  Something hard hits me in the side of my head. I stumble back, hand on the side of my face and look to see the skinny boy staring at me, fist raised. Something inside me stirs and demands that I hit him back. I growl and punch the kid in the gut, he double overs and falls to the ground. The feeling gets stronger as stand over him.

  I get on top of him and repeatedly hit him in the face, grabbing ahold of his hair. How dare he distract me from that wonderful smell! I feel hands on me, pulling at my shirt to get me off him. I snarl at them and continue to beat the pulp out of the man underneath me.

  I smell the scent again and the hands leave until it's only two. I freeze and let go of Joe's hair and turn to see Princess Kennedy staring at me with worried eyes that have circles underneath them from sleepless nights. She takes my hand and I stand up and look around to see that everybody has stepped back away from me, even Zeak and Hira. They all stare at me with scared looks, almost like I might turn and attack them.

  I look down at Joe and see nothing but a purple bruised face with blood gushing out everywhere. What did I just do? The feeling comes again and I snarl, Kennedy places her hand on my chest and I turn and stare into her hazel eyes.

"Come on, let's go." She say calmly and leads me to out of the gym.

  I follow her and ignore the stares form passing servants in the hall. We go down the stairs that lead to her room and go through the door. I look around and spot a fireplace in the corner and a huge silvery canopy bed. There's a large dog bed beside the fireplace and chair with a little table beside it. In the corner there are plants and pots of all different kinds.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

  Kennedy walks over to her dresser beside her bed and pulls out vials of strange liquid of all different colors. She takes out a needle and puts the black liquid into it. I hand out my arm and she injects the medicine into my arm. I feel much calmer than I did before.

  She sighs and walks over to one of the chair s by the fire and sits down. I walk over to the other one and sit down on it. Kennedy places her hands over her face. I watch her as the fire makes shadows across her face and feel the strange urge to reach across and touch her. I decide against it and wait patiently for her to talk.

  Finally, she sits back in her chair and stares into the fire, "You have to get it under control."

"I know." I look down ashamed.

"Bucky this is the fourth instance this week since I told you. You can't keep doing this or you're going to severely hurt someone."

  Someone knocks on the door, "Come in!" Kennedy yells without looking away from the fire.

  I turn to see Duke Derrick come walking in. He stops and stares at me with disgust, "What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be in class?"

"He nearly killed a boy in his gym class. I brought him here to calm down."

  Duke Derrick sighs and glares at me. Why does he hate me? "Shift?"

"Yes." She replies.

  Duke Derrick walks over to Princess Kennedy and hands her a piece of paper, "You're not going to like this."

  Kennedy takes the paper and reads it. Her fist clench and she throws the paper into the fire. Creatures, I wonder what was on that paper? "I told ya wouldn't be happy with it."

"Creatures! This is the third time this month! Someone is helping her." Kennedy proclaims.

"Agreed, this can't just be a convenes. What do you suppose that we do?"

"I don't know. It has to be someone higher up, only certain people knew about the plans."

"I'll look into it." Duke Derrick walks towards the door, opens it, glares at me, and leaves.

  I look at Princess Kennedy, who is glaring at the fire. "What was on the paper?"

"Nothing that you need to worry about, it's being handled."

  I look into the fire. We remain like that, staring into the fire in silence, for awhile until Princess Kennedy speaks, "Bucky, I think it's time that Kelly and I teach you how to shift and how your wolf will be able to help you."


  Queen Light looks down at the peasant before her from her golden throne. The peasant just so much as happens to be one of her governors in one of her colonies. The governor has come before her to discuss the problems in her colony, that the people are starting to rebel against her and try to join her daughter.

"Governor," She interrupts, "answer me this, how are you ruling the colony that you were assigned if you're here complaining to me?"

  The governor looks up at her with fear in his eyes, "I have put my assistant incharge of the colony while I am away." He mumbles.

    Queen Light looks at the governor with disgust, "I did not give your assistant permission or the title of governor."

  He gulps, "No Your Majesty, you did not."

  Queen Light flicks her hand dismissively, "Guards, throw  him in the dungeon for Panthena to eat."

  Two guards come and take the governor to the dudgeon, he screams and begs for mercy as he's being dragged away. Kenneth walks in the throne room with his giant brown grizzly bear beside him. He eyes the governor as he's being dragged by him and then turns his attention to Queen Light. He bows before his mother and Queen Light notices circles under his eyes. Hhhmm.

"What is it, my son?" Her voice booms.

"Kennedy has moved more of her troops into Pluma to defeat our forces there." He reports.

  Queen Light thinks about the situation for awhile. "Well, can she?"

  Kenneth looks at his mother confused, "Can she what?"

"Defeat us! Can she defeat us?" She huffs annoyed.

  Kenneth looks down, "I don't know mother, I think that it would be wise to retreat. That way we can save the lives of our men."

  Queen Lights looks at her son angrily, am angry roar can be heard from the other room. Kenneth looks at the door as it burst open to reveal Panthena with blood stained paws and muzzle. Panthena runs towards Kenneth's bear and tackles it. She bites down on the bears neck, the bear does not fight back. Kenneth winces and blood seeps down from a large bite mark on his neck.

"We will not retreat! I do not care about the lives of our soldiers! I only care about seeing Kennedy bruised, beaten, tortured, and dead at my feet!" She yells as she stands up and pointing a perfectly manicured finger at her son.

"Yes, my queen." He mumbles.

"Now go! See to it that win the battle for Pluma. I need that dimension and I need it now! Do not fail me." She says threateningly.

  Kenneth bows and walks towards the door. Panthena gets off his bear and watches the two with anger in her eyes. The bear walks over to his master, limping, and together they leave the room. Queen Light watches them leave. Kennedy always fought back, she notes. Kenneth just took it like an obedient son.

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