Chapter 15

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"He looks so much like Luke! I almost thought I was looking at Luke, but his longer hair sort of gave it away that he wasn't. Are you sure he's not a clone?" Air implies.

  I roll my eyes, "Of course I'm sure he's not a clone! Plus he's... different compared to Luke. Bucky's more protective and he's seen how cruel the world can be. Luke was just an innocent soul who hadn't, yet." I look down at the ground at the thought of Luke. Air senses my unease and gives me a hug.

 I pull away and walk over to where Ice, Lopy, and Cara are, I try to stop the tears form coming and am successful. Cara flashes me a smile, I smile in return. Ice bounces up and down and wags her scaly tail from excitement, I can still remember the day I was bonded with her on accident. . Lopy looks up, but then looks back down and grumbles about being cold.

"Lopy, how about we have a ourselves a little competition?" I ask.

  Lopy looks up, a mischievous and curious look on his face. Trolls love competitions because that's when they get to prove who's top Troll. Cara gets the same look as Lopy.

"What if you and Cara see which one of you can collect the most sticks the fastest? Hhhmm? Or see who can catch a squirrel?" Ice licks her chops at the thought of a juicy squirrel, "The one that wins will be rewarded."

  Lopy looks at Cara who looks at him, they huddle together and discus their options. I look over at Bucky and Kelly to see them talking about something. Kelly asks Air to do something and he walks over, about thirty feet in front of her. Kelly runs towards Air as fast as she can, Air summons his power and shoots gusts of wind at her. Kelly dodges all of Air's attacks and crouches when she gets in front of him. She then swipes her leg under Air, knocking him to the ground. Once Air is on the ground, Kelly crawls on top of him and uses her knees to pin his hands to the ground. Kelly looks over at Bucky and yells, "See! You want to be low when you attack any being that has the power of air on their side. That way she can't blow you away. Now, you try."

  "We accept the stick challenge." Lopy tells me. I turn my attention back to the Trolls. They head off into the bushes in search for twigs and sticks. Ice nudges my leg with her head, demanding attention. "Alright, alright how about we train?" Ice's tail wags harder from her excitement. I smile, "Ok girl, you take to the sky and fire at me. I'll practice dodging and you practice firing while you're in the sky."

  Ice whimpers, her tail goes in between her legs. "Ice, you're not going to hit me. And besides, Air can put out the fire." Ice snorts, flapping her wings she takes to the sky. She flies away from me so she can fire from above. I look back over to Bucky  just in time to see him get hit by a gust of wind and land on his butt. I chuckle softly to myself as he falls, he pulls his hair back behind his ears and walks back to where he began running at Air, a determined look in his eyes.

  I hear Ice roar from above and look up just in time to see her open her mouth and shoot out a silver flame at me.



  A full gust of wind hits me square in the chest, knocking me down to the ground. Ugh! I almost had it! I brush back my annoyingly mid long brown hair back behind my ears and head back to where I started. I hear a loud roar and turn around to see Ice fire three silver flames at Princess Kennedy.

  Her Highness does three backflips, avoiding the dragons deadly flames. Ice shoots five more silver flames out of her mouth, Princess Kennedy ducks and does a cartwheel to the left. She jumps up onto a rock and grabs ahold of a tree branch, swinging her legs she jumps into the air and grabs ahold of a passing by floating island's vine. Using her upper body strength she climbs the vine and goes to the other side of the floating piece of land, out of sight.

"Wow." I whisper.

"Oh you haven't seen nothing yet." I turn and look at Kelly, "You should have seen her when Liala betrayed her. She was unstoppable, her whole entire family had to team up together so Kennedy wouldn't kill Liala, boy was she mad. That was the only time besides her birth that the war stopped." says Kelly.

"Why did it stop?" I look back at where I last saw Princess Kennedy.

  Ice circles the small piece of floating land twice, searching for her master. She hovers in the air, waiting for her prey to give away its location. Ice fires multiple shots at places she thinks Princess is hiding, but all are in vain for she's not there. Ice lands on one of the islands trees and screeches out in surprise. Ice flies away from the tree and swings her head back and forth with fire shooting out of her mouth, trying to light whatever is on her back on fire. Her Highness clings to Ice's back and brings her hands over Ice's mouth and shuts it so she can't breathe fire.

"Because, they realized how much of a threat Kennedy was. If you want to know the rest, you'll have to ask either Kennedy, Derrick, Queen Crimson, or your History teacher."

  Ice does a crash landing, trying to knock Princess Kennedy off of her, but fails. The Princess stays on the beast and continues to clamp shut Ice's mouth. Her Highness puts all of her weight onto the dragon. Finally Ice gives up and stops fighting Princess Kennedy.




  Ice stops fighting me, slowly I bring my hands off of her mouth. When she doesn't try to cook me alive with her flames I fully get off her. I dust some of the dirt off me, Ice stands up and shakes herself. She looks up at me and lets her silver tongue stick out, she wags her tail and does circles around me. I smile lovingly at her eagerness to train, it reminds me of when Sofie was little and was also so eager to train and prove herself.

  I hear footsteps and look up to see a shocked Bucky and Air and a smug faced Kelly. I raise an eyebrow up at them, "What?"

"How did you do that?" asks Bucky.

"Many years of harsh training." I reply. Kelly gives me a sympathetic look, Kelly and Derrick are the only ones besides my teacher who know just how harsh my training was. I barely got any sleep, some nights I got none at all. They would make me practice the move that they wanted me to perfect a thousand times, and if I messed up I had to start over. I wasn't allowed to leave that spot until I had done it a thousand times flawlessly. Then one day they put me into "The Sim ", where you lose your identity and memory and are forced into a harsh world with a terrible life. Some people never leave "The Sim".

"Could you teach me how to do that? I have to go to the dimension Dragland and get bonded with a dragon, I might need to know how to beat one to survive out there." Bucky looks down at his shoes, embarrassed. I smile finding it kind of cute that he's embarrassed.

"Sure. I'd love to help." Kelly shoots me a look but I ignore her. Bucky looks up with his cute little grin.



"Wow! Thank you, Your Highness." I frown at him calling me that, it just doesn't sound right coming out of his mouth. He notices me frowning and gets depressed.

"Oh, Bucky it's not you, it's just that..." I look at Kelly and then back at Bucky, "I think you can call me Kennedy and not Your Highness or Princess Kennedy. Just Kennedy." I say.

  Bucky looks up shocked and so does Kelly and Air. Only close friends or family members are allowed to call be by my name. I hear a rustling in the bushes and turn to see Cara and Lopy come out with a load full of stick and twigs. They look at Kelly, Air, and Bucky's faces and then at each other. They drop their piles and look at me confused. "Did we miss something." asks Lopy.

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