Chapter 11

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"Bucky! Can you hear me? Bucky, wake up!"

I open my eyes to find myself in a bed with Zeak standing over me and slapping my face. He brings up his hand to slap me again but stops when he sees that my eyes are open. "Welcome back. You sort of blacked out there for awhile."

I sit up in the bed and look around the room, there's houseplants and paintings of flowers everywhere in the room. Two mahogany nightstands are beside the bed I'm lying in, one to the left and one to the right. There's a table with chairs in the corner. "What happened?" I ask.

Zeak bites his lip, "Well, you went over to go help this little Nymph girl and blacked out when she grabbed your hand. Your in a Recovery room. Taren will be here shortly to see if your ok and to ask what happened to you."

I hear voices outside the door, the knob turns and the door opens to reveal a tall muscularly built man with shaggy light brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a lab coat. Following quickly behind him is a familiar looking blood red hair, green eyed little girl with vines growing out from her arms. She's wearing a grey dress that falls to her knees, I look at her feet and notice that she's not wearing any shoes. When she see me she runs to the bed but is stopped when the man grabs ahold of her, holding her back. "Let me go!" she screams.

Anger pierces through me, "Let her go!" I yell.

The man lets go of her and watches in awe as she runs over to me and jumps up onto the bed with me, she snuggles her head into my arm and quickly falls fast asleep. Zeak steps back away from me and the girl with amazement written across his face, and fear in his eyes. The man smiles, "Amazing. My name is Taren Howl. I'm the head doctor here and Princess Kennedy's personal doctor. That," he points at the girl," is Anabel Oak. She comes from a very powerful and old family of Forest Nymphs. She seems to have taken a liking to you, Mr. Nabel. In fact, did you know that Nymphs can bond with humans? It's almost like having a spirit animal, except you can't take their form."

I shake my head no, "Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you this because Anabel has bonded with you." says Taren.

I go utterly still with shock and look down at Anabel who is sleeping soundly next to me. I wrap my arm around her, feeling a strange sense of protection for the little girl, and brush some of her hair out of her face. She stirs but only for a minute before she's fast asleep again.

"Mr. Nabel, what happened to you when you passed out?" Taren asks.

I look up at Taren and clear my throat. "I woke up in this forest. There were two boys playing swords, twins to be exact. Creatures they looked so alike, except one was slightly taller than the other one. The smaller one called himself Luke." Taren stiffens while Zeak turns ghostly white.

"Are you sure he said his name was Luke."

I nod my head yes, "Yes he said his name was Luke and the other said his name was Lange."

Taren turns and looks at Zeak, "Tell Kennedy about this. I don't care if she's in the middle of a battle or if she's napping, just tell her. And you might as well inform Lady Beatrice as well." Zeak nods his head, looking relieved to leave the room and runs out. Taren grabs a pen and paper out of one of the nightstands and pulls up a chair and scribbles some stuff down. He then turns his attention back to me, "Please, continue."

"The smaller one, Luke defeated his brother and then they both stopped playing and ran home. Then-"

"Did you follow them?"

"No, movement in the bushes caused me to stay put. Two black as night wolves the size of a horse came out of the bushes, one had green eyes while the other had brown. The brown eyed one attacked the other accusing it of cheating in the boys' little sword fight. They both stopped fighting when they heard the boys laughing in the distance. Wolfi- I mean the green eyed wolf said that the boys wouldn't want them to fight. Smash ag-"

"How do you know that name?" He says as he leans closer to me.

"The other wolf called him it, sir."

"Only a hand full of people know that name. So be careful when you use it." He sits back in his chair and motions with his hands for me to continue.

"Smash agreed, then the world become blurry but not before I noticed a small white spot of his left leg. Next thing I know I'm waking up to Zeak slapping me on the face."

Taren continued to scribble stuff down. When he'd finished, he chewed on the end of his pen, pondering the information that I just gave him in his mind. He sat back in his chair slightly satisfied. "Mr. Nabel have you ever come in contact with the Black Wolf? Has he ever appeared to you in dreams or perhaps spoken to you in your head?"

Lie. Say no. Tell them nothing. Kennedy is the only one you can truly trust.

"Uh, no sir, I haven't. Sorry." I look down at Anabel so I don't have to meet Taren's eyes.

"Hhhmm. But yet again you get a childhood memory of Luke. One that we only know about because Luke told Princess Kennedy himself, nobody else knows about it. One that the Black Wolf himself is in. Can you see where I'm getting the confusion here, Mr. Nabel?"

I gulp, "Yes sir, I can see where there might be confusion."

Taren bites his lower lip and hops out of his chair. "Well Mr. Nabel, I think you can go back to class. You should be able to catch the end of Geography and get your books for it. It was a pleasure meeting you." He shakes my hand and leaves the room. I watch him as he leaves, silently wishing he would come back and tell me what I 'm suppose to do with Anabel.

A soft yawn makes me turn my head down and look at her. She stretches her arms out, almost hitting me in the face. She opens her eyes and smiles when she sees me. "Thank you for stopping those bullies from throwing more fireballs at me." I smile, "Your welcome, Anabel."

"So they told you my name. What's yours?"

"My names Bucky. Anabel, they said that you bonded with me, is that true?" I feel Anabel stiffen next to me. Her eyes fill with tears, "Yes, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear. Please don't be mad." Tears are pouring down Anabel's face, her nose is starting to get runny. I don't know what to do, I've never had to deal with a crying child before. Lily was the one that could make every little kid happy, I was the one that made them afraid. "Hey, hey. Anabel I'm not mad at you." I pat her head awkwardly hoping that she will stop crying.

Anabel looks up at me, surprise written across her face, "Your not mad?" She sniff her nose.

"No, I'm not. I'm just a little confused, on what it means and stuff." I gently wipe away the tears that are flowing down her face.

"It means that you are my Master, anything that you want me to do I will do. That is unless the Creature commands me to do otherwise than I will do otherwise. It is my sworn duty to protect you with my life." Her eyes never leave mine.

Wow, Nymphs take this bonding thing seriously. "Ok, now Anabel, I need to go to class and so do you. So please, hop out of the bed and go to your class and I'll see you later. Ok?" Anabel considers the offer for awhile and nods her head in agreement. She hops down and leaves the room. Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be. I swing my leg over the bed and get up. I hear rushed footsteps from outside. The door flies open to reveal a panting Zeak.

"Good, you haven't left. Now let's take you back to class. Geography is over so off to Spirit Training we go." I roll my eyes at Zeak and follow him to our next class. Today has got to be the best first day ever for me, not. So far I've seen a shapeshifting boy, had to fight my sister, almost got eaten by a plant, blacked out, missed a class, and got bonded with a Nymph.

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