Chapter 7

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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou

       "So what kind of powers do you guys actually have?" I try to get my voice to stay calm, but I'm going crazy inside to find out if it's true.

        "Well you're just jumping straight into it now aren't you?" she's laughing, teasing, of course, just the casual vampire laughing at a human. I wonder if that's a power. No, that's stupid.

        "We don't turn into bats or fly if that's where you were going with that" she's still smiling and I can tell that she feels at ease with me. It's as if we're already friends but I know she could kill me in a heartbeat if she wanted to. It's not something I want to think about, especially after learning more about them, but years of being told the opposite makes it hard to not think about those things. I try to smile and move away from my negative thoughts.

         "We tend to have more mental powers over physical, although my family and friends are all very fast. As I know you witnessed that night last week." She pauses and I know she's recalling the first time we spoke; asking about her brother.

         "But our mental powers range from a variety of things. I for example can compel humans into forgetting that I just drank from them, I can also influence and sense someone's emotional state" seeing my face she stops her train of thought  "don't worry I've never used either on you, you would know."

        I would know? How would I know? Seeing my confusion she tries to comfort me by telling me she's the only one in the area that has those abilities. "Can you put yourself into someone else's dreams?"  I interrupt  not even remembering that she was still speaking.  In my mind though, she wasn't. I was too into my head to continue listening. 

She tilts her head and gives me a strange look  "Some of us can, I can't though" but another thought comes to her and it's as if it's Christmas morning, her face lights up  "You haven't had any dreams with Grant in them have you?"

        I turn scarlet and look down. I didn't think it would feel so personal but suddenly it is. "Yeah, but I didn't think anything of it until last night when I was thinking about special powers. I've had dreams with him in them since the first day of school but I chalked that up to him being hot" I pause realizing I just called her brother hot, can't I just think before I speak just once? If it weren't awkward enough she just giggles and moves her hand in a gesture that tells me to continue "Umm and well, me feeling responsible since I was the last one to talk to him and I turned him down. I just keep thinking if I hadn't let him walk out maybe things would be different." I shrugged at her not knowing what else to say.

        "It's not your fault Kat but you need to tell me about every dream you've had with him in it okay?" I nod and a second later she's up and getting Erik and Axel.  God, as if it's not embarrassing enough to talk about dreams, I now have to do it in front of three vampires.

        They look as surprised by the news as Lucy but they stay quiet.
"So the first night all I remembered was his eyes. He was just staring at me. It felt like he could see straight into my soul, has he done that with you?"  I look at his friends and they just shake their heads. I decide to continue but I try to go slow about it; I can already see them hanging on every word I say.

        "Alright, well the next night I saw him again but this time it was his full figure, but he was struggling to move. I walked toward him and he yelled at me to go away. I honestly thought it was my guilty conscious showing me that he had a right to be upset with me since I didn't want to be friends."

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