Chapter 24

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Beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half. -Unknown

A full hour passes of tossing and turning in bed. Even my favorite book isn't helping to keep my mind off of the information I received today. I don't have to just be okay with what he said though. I can ask him what he meant by what he said. I can get closure.

I hop out of bed and grab some water, an apple, and peanut butter before taking a seat in the living room. I eat my apple and peanut butter in silence letting my mind run with how this conversation could go. As soon as I close my eyes my mind senses Grant's and pulls me to him.

"Kat, you're here!" he runs over to me and gives me a hug. I don't hug him back. I search his face to gauge his real emotions but he shows nothing but relief. I pull away and see his eyes are red and puffy.

"Yes, I'm here, I wanted you to know that I don't need to be taken care of by you. I can handle the truth whether you believe that or not." I pause watching his face change with realization. "Lucy told you what I said didn't she? Damn it she's such a brat." He paces across his room.

"She didn't tell me anything. I heard it all first hand from this very room a few hours ago. It was very enlightening." I narrow my eyes at him but don't stop.

"I wish you hadn't lied to me. Was I not worth the truth?" I quickly turn around from him. I feel the tears starting to slip down my face against my will. Facing him is harder than I thought it would be. "I actually trusted you, but clearly that was my mistake. I'm only human. But I'm not am I? I'm something else completely. And I'm the one person your family, your kind needs." Wiping the tears from my eyes I regain my composure. "What did you say again? Oh that's right I'm like a child or little sister to you. Which is something I will never forget."

Grant stares at me, his eyes void of any emotion. "Bye Grant, have a, life." I shake my head, I can't even wish him well. Walking away to leave the dream is the easiest but hardest thing to do. He had nothing to say in response. I hear his voice yelling to me and it takes a second for what he said to sink in. "Who's Shane?"

I turn around quickly. "Who is Shane? After all of that, you think that is the best thing to say? Wow. You're not even half of the man I thought you were. And Shane is none of your business." I close him off and I'm gone, I wake up.

The next morning I find a note under my bedroom door.

Training begins at 13:00 be ready.

I look at the clock and it's see that it's already 12:30. I don't know what training will be so I pick out workout clothes . Once I have my spandex pants and tank on I head out to the kitchen. The paper didn't say where, so I decide to make myself a turkey sandwich, and take a seat at the counter.

At 12:58 Shane walks in to ask if I'm ready. "I don't know what kind of training this is, so I guess so." I look down and see he's dressed in gym clothes too so I assume I'll be working out.

Shane heads out of the kitchen "Just follow me and I'll introduce you to your trainer. Try not to freak out on them okay?" he smirks and I know something's up.
I get up from the counter and follow him down a flight of stairs and through a hallway until we get to a large room with boxing bags, knives, guns, ropes, treadmills with a wide open space in the middle with a ring to fight in. Looking around I know this a lot more than I had expected. When my dad said I'd train, I figured it would have more to do with the mind, maybe some yoga or pilates, not all of this. I'm already overwhelmed.

"What am I training for exactly?"

"Kat, I know this is all very overwhelming but you need to know how to defend yourself and others incase this war does start again. I know you heard our origin last night, and that you are the heir to our throne. We can explain it in more detail to you later, but now you need to learn self defense and learn how to control your physical gifts."

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