Chapter 34

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"Do it for the people who want to see you fail" -Unknown

Grant grabs my hand and holds onto it throughout the ride to headquarters. Jane informs us that headquarters is just northeast of Moscow's city center. After that we sit in silence.
    I look out of the window enjoying the scenery of Russia. Grant pulls me from my thoughts by whispering. "Why don't you like her?"
    I turn to him, knowing Jane can hear us. "Why do you think I don't like her? I don't know her, I'm just trying to be professional when dealing with Kaznachey. Was I being too blunt?"
    "Oh, sorry, I didn't think about that. Good idea."
    I saw Jane looking at me so I gave her a smirk along with an eye roll for Grant's words. She smiled back and turned away.
    I see the Kremlin out the window. "It's so beautiful." I say, mostly to myself.
    "It's an amazing building. We actually have some Kaznachey in office. Secretly of course, but we like to know we have the power of the government behind us." She warns.
    "I'm excited to see how you all run the Kaznachey headquarters. Having the government backing is great, especially if the Okhotniki continue to pursue Vasilievs, like Grant here." I turn to Grant "Your family isn't planning on retaliating against them for what they have done to you, correct?"
    "Right. My sister and Axel, even Erik who I hadn't seen in awhile had a plan. My dad was for it too until your dad spoke to them. He explained that the Kaznachey would take care of it and to go on as nothing had happened. Your dad said it was important to make it seem as we weren't a threat to the Okhotniki. They want to blindside them."
    "You're exactly right. I'm glad Katerina's father stopped anything from happening. We have plans that we will show you once we arrive. I think you'll find them satisfactory." Jane says. "Oh and here we are, we have a lot of security measures so just be prepared."
    We pull up to a gate after following a long driveway. After the car is checked by dogs and police officials we are led through to the building. Once we get to the building we get out of the car and are taken through a set of double doors. The hallway has sets of metal detectors along with more police officials. Grant and I walk through and have no issues. We watch Jane go through and the metal detector goes off.
    "Oh sorry, I forgot I had my weapons on me." She laughs it off before grabbing her gun out of her holster that was in the small of her back. She then bends over and takes three throwing knives out of her boot. I give Grant a knowing look. He knows I'm going to be in his dreams tonight.
    I smile at Jane once she gets through security. "Is it unsafe to be here without weapons?" I ask innocently. "Because I didn't bring anything."
    "Oh I'm sure they'll give you some sort of weapon. It's not unsafe in the building, but it's nice to feel secure in case someone attacked. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be just fine."
    I nod in acknowledgment. "Would you mind giving us the tour Jane?"
    "Sure. I just have to pick up something I left in my office first but you can follow me."
    She leads us to an elevator and presses the up button. Once inside she swipes her ID and takes us to the top floor. We continue to follow her down the plain cream colored hallway before stopping at her office.
    I look around her office, taking in everything I can. It looks like a boring office would with almost nothing that shows who works in it. It's almost bare. Besides one photo. As Jane is squatting behind her desk rummaging through a drawer, I pick up the photo. I almost drop it but Grant catches it. I see him peak a look before setting it down. He inhales strongly and I can see even he's not happy about it.
    "Who's the boy in your frame on your desk?" I ask innocently.
    Jane turns and smiles at the photo. "Oh that's Shane. He was one of my firsts." I furrow my eyebrows to her in confusion for her to clarify. "He was one of the first boys I trained. He was a special one, I'll never forget him."
    "Why do you say that in a past tense?" I ask.
    She nods and stands up. "Tragic accident, it was our last training day before he graduated when they found him. He was mauled by wolves, died before I could see him one last time."
    I turn my head to Grant with wide eyes. "He's dead?"
    "Yes, closed casket ceremony. But I keep this photo to remind me of our special times together." She smiles at a memory and asks us to follow her out. I want to vomit. I feel sick to my stomach. Special times? That's what she calls sexually abusing a young boy?
    I feel as Grant grabs my hand to stop me from whatever I was about to do. I close my eyes and remember I can't yet. It's not the right time. I decide to check my phone to occupy myself while Janes starts the tour. I see 4 missed texts from Shane.
    S: How is it going so far? Anything I should know?
    S: I'm glad you'll be there with me, I'm not sure if I         could do it alone.
    S: Sophia has decided to come too. She doesn't think I'd         get on the plane without her. But all I need is knowing         that you'll be there when I get there. :)
    S: Okay, I'm sure you're busy, but please tell me if you         made it safely and that I'm making the right decision.
I read them and respond back quickly.
    K: Hey, you're making the right decision if you're ready to face your past. If not, then don't force it. I'll always be here for you. And as for anything you should know. . . I've met Jane, don't worry, I haven't killed her yet. Grant stopped me. I don't want to tell you what she thinks happened to you or what she's told me, but I know you have a right to know. So when you land, text me and I'll come pick you up and tell you everything. I can't tell you over text. Be strong, I know you can do it. :)
    Shane responds lighting fast.
    S: I'm not sure how I feel about you having met her already. How did that happen?
    K: She picked us up from the airport she's the only person I have met actually.
    S: Be careful. They usually have a whole welcome ceremony when new people come, so for you not to have had that seems a bit off. Text your dad.
    K: Will do. Fly safe.
    As Grant and I continue to follow Jane, I slide Grant my phone so he knows what's going on. I show him Shane's last message and that we should be on the defensive. He gives me a slight nod before continuing to listen to Jane on her spiel of the history of Kaznachey.
    We continue behind her as we walk toward a large metal door. "This is wear everyone trains now. It's new and highly sophisticated. The ceiling is four stories high and we have a mixture of simulations as well as real life scenarios with real knives, hand to hand combat and so on. Then the normal gym with treadmills is just off to the right in the arena. It's not really an arena but we call it that since its huge and we do on occasion challenge each other."
    I see Grant side eye me, knowing already that people are going to challenge me because I'm young and they're unbelieving of who and what I am. I smile back confidently. I would dare them to. At least my inner voice would.
    We walk into the arena and there's hundreds of people working out, sparring, throwing knives at walls, it doesn't seem real. Jane pulls us further into the room and everyone quiets down.
    "Everyone, this is Katerina Ayers, of the Kaznachey and Grant Vasiliev, of the Vasilievs. They're visiting and want our help. I know many of you do not believe this girl could be the one. But she claims she is. So let's welcome them." Jane says to everyone in the arena.
I look to see Grant smiling and waving. I decide to join him so we don't look like a threat. After a few minutes most of them get back to training, while others continue to stare and whisper to each other. I feel my back pocket vibrate and see my dad finally responded to my message.
     D: Definitely watch your back. Only trust Grant and Shane if he goes. If they take you to the arena, know they want to test you. They don't believe you are the savior. If someone challenges you, put up a fight and win, but don't show even half of your abilities or power. Not until the time is right. Okay? Stay seen, but under the radar. And keep Grant safe.
    K: Understood. Will do.
    I put my phone back in my pocket. I whisper to Grant "Less than half the power, okay? We trust each other only, I have your back, you have mine, got it?"
    "No problem. I wasn't really planning on making real friends with anyone here anyway." He says before turning back to look around the arena again.
     Grant and I stand awkwardly in the entrance before Jane has a few girls come up to us. "Hi, I'm Calli and this is Anna." The tall blonde says to us. She smiles shyly before looking at Grant. Of course, he already has fans. Anna is the polar opposite of Calli, she looks pissed.
    "Well it's nice to meet you Calli and Anna, I'm Kat and this is Grant." I say with a smile. Grant looks at Calli and smiles but it falls when he sees Anna. He's picked up on her feelings too.
    I look toward Jane, searching her face for anything I should be doing with these girls. She just has a strange smile, like she thinks she knows what will happen next. Anna's harsh voice brings me back to her and Calli. "So we came over to introduce ourselves as your first challengers."
    "I don't know what you mean, but okay." I tell her.
    Anna and Calli look confused. "You don't know what we mean?"
    "No, I just got here a few hours ago. So what are you challenging me on, and what does it entail?" I ask, playing dumb.
    Anna speaks again, this time even more angry. "I'll say it loud and clear. I'm challenging you to a fight, I don't think you're the savior. Actually I know you're not. So let's fight."
    Laughing was probably not the best response, but it's what I did. "Okay I accept. How long have you been training Anna? Calli? I assume you'd like to fight too and feel the same as Anna?"
    Calli nods and Anna responds, her overconfident voice blaring. "I've been training since I was 5 and I'm 23 now. You don't belong and I'm going to prove it."
    I feel Grant's eyes on my back. I turn and look at him. He looks worried. I get closer to him and hand him my phone. I whisper "If anyone texts or calls, answer and respond. Tell them were in the arena and I'm being challenged. Text the two people I've been talking to and tell them that now. You have my back right?"
    "Always Kat. I have a lot to make up for, but I'm going to prove it to you." He whispers while hugging me.
    "Just promise me you won't be afraid of me when the time comes. Okay? It'll still be me."
    "Okay, I promise." He says before backing away.
    "Jane, how does this work?" I ask.
    "Alright everyone, Katerina Ayers has been challenged by her first opponents. Everyone take there seats as I show them where to go." Everyone stops training and working out and takes a seat around the middle of the floor. The middle of the floor starts to sink to create a large pit 30ft by 30 ft. I watch in amazement as it drops. "It's so everyone can see the fight. Now you'll change into leggings and a sports top and you three will be taken down to the pit."
    "Am I fighting both of them at the same time?" I ask.
    "Yes, if you're the savior, it should be no problem." Jane says laughing. Clearly she doesn't believe in who I am either.
     I see Grant texting and he smiles at me. "S says you'll do great and wait for him!" He yells from the top of the pit. I smile. Knowing Shane will be here soon means I can let me power out sooner than later.
    "You will fight until the other taps out or is unconscious, abilities and powers are encouraged." Jane announces.
    I look at Calli and Anna, on the other side of the pit, both of them giving me their most intense faces. I have no idea what abilities they have, or how good they are, but I know I have to prove myself.
    "Ready, Fight!" Jane yells and Anna comes charging toward me.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been awhile, but I'm back at it! Hope you all enjoyed, let me know what you think! Comment, share and vote!

Xoxo Megan

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