Disclaimers & Miscellaneous Information

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Before I begin with any of this, I wish to first apply some disclaimers, among other things:

I do not intend to develop this for the purpose of any potential monetary benefit. I am not a wealthy person by any means, but money is not of my concern. This has a greater purpose, a much, much greater purpose than to be simply read by wandering eyes. It is my only hope.

What I am writing here, though it appears fictional, is my timely account of a phase in my life, one that may never leave me, perhaps even into the afterlife, hence my purpose of this text.

With this being said, this work is a collection of my trans-propagated thoughts on personal problems. I will not consider deleting any content here as I believe doing so would affect the validity of my intentions.

There exists no official medical documentation of the possibility the author, me, may have any form of mental dysfunction. The accounts here are of my own reasoning, and may be biased on the basis of my emotions at the time I state information related towards said dysfunction(s).

For the sake of secrecy, privacy, and safety of all participating individuals within my work, I shall paraphrase their identities (Yes, that means pseudonyms...), and will not disclose any personal means of identification. However this omits any partial interpretation of appearance of any select participating individuals, as I find it necessary for my expressing, and that in relevance to identification on a world-scale, the information is trivial.

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