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Jackson looked at himself in the mirror, and broke it. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He slid down the wall covering his face. Choking sobs came from his throat. He was tired of everything. He looked at the knife in his hands and the scars on his arms.
He brought the knife down and cut his arm again. He hugged his knees as the blood flowed down his arm and soaked into his jeans. He ran his hand through his short messy hair, shaking. He cut himself again, more tears streamed down his cheeks. He bit his shirt as he took out a sewing needle and stabbed it deep into his arm. He moved it around and shoved it out the other side. He pulled it through, leaving two small holes. He did this a few more times, raspy cries came from him.
He looked at the shards of glass on the floor and rolled up his pants legs and crawled around in it. He bit his shirt the whole time, trying not to scream. He leaned against the wall again and started pulling the shards out. He wanted to scream, so badly that it could've hurt. But he didn't need his neighbors hearing.
He closed his eyes. Everything hurt, he didn't care by now. He blinked, clearing the tears.
   He walked to his room. He opened up his closet to reveal a noose. He swallowed and stepped onto a chair. He put it around his neck and took a few deep breaths. He started counting down. Then something caught his eye. He looked up and saw a mass of darkness. He screamed and fell back hitting his head on the wall.
   He cried out in pain, gripping the back of his head. The black mass began taking the form of a young man. Jackson looked at him, terrified. The man came forward and held a hand out to Jackson. He was too scared to take it.
   "Come my child" he said quietly, pulling Jackson up.
   Jackson shook, unable to speak. A black swirling mass of smoke appeared. The man pulled Jackson's limp body through.
   The other side was horrible. It wreaked of death and was terribly dark. Jackson couldn't see a thing. The man walked as if it were a straight path. Jackson kept stumbling over rocks or something. He could soon see light and a throne made out of bones. Blood colored carpet was set in front of them.
  The man pulled Jackson with him. He let go of Jackson and walked up and sat in the throne.
   "Do you know who I am?" He asked tapping a bone.
   Jackson could barely shake his head.
   "I am Death, and I'm planning on making you my pet."
   Jackson's eyes widened. PET? He swallowed, his throat dry and his mouth sticky. His breathing was ragged. He pointed at himself trying to speak. The only thing that came out was a dry whisper, it wasn't even a word just air.
Death leaned forward, a wicked smile playing on his lips. He stuck out a hand and beckoned Jackson forward. When Jackson stood there, his knees wobbling, Death sighed shaking his head while chuckling. He snapped his fingers and the ground shook before moving towards Death, carrying Jackson.
Jackson fell, pulling himself to his knees. Death reached down a hand and held Jackson's face. Jackson still couldn't move. He could barely breathe!
   Death carefully began lifted Jackson to his feet. Death found himself chuckling at the shaking boy. He pulled Jackson closer all the while feeling his wounds. He held Jackson a few inches in front of him. He looked at Jackson's self inflicted wounds. He ran a cold finger over them with a calm expression.
   Jackson watched Death's hands, licking his lips. It had been the first time in years that Jackson had been close to another man and they weren't laughing at him. He dared a glance at Death's face. He was almost too gorgeous. He quickly looked back down, wincing as Death pressed a little too hard on a cut. Jackson felt scared, flustered, and a little intrigued. He was a little worried that once Death found out he was gay, that he would be sent away... It wouldn't be the first time though...
   He didn't love Death. No, he loved the thought of dying. To be free from this world. But he was scared... Scared of the pain... Of what would happen. He wasn't sure if he could go through with it again. He jumped as Death lifted his chin.
   "Jackson, I do not hate you because you are different. There are many down here who took their lives because people hurt them." He pulled Jackson closer so that their breath crossed. "But you were my favorite. The way you tortured yourself was beautiful. I could never pull myself away from it. The blood that would spill." He blushed as he noticed he was droning.
   Jackson starred, tentatively rubbing his own arm. Blood smeared and stuck to his hairs and his hands. Death placed his thimble fingers over Jackson's hand and pulled it away.
   "Do not worry, I know you're scared and nervous... Now, I don't love you romantically but, I wish to give you a better life."
   Jackson swallowed. His Adam's apple bobbed and he nodded slowly. Death smiled as he pulled him closer. He was a hair lengths away from Jackson's lips.
   "Wonderful, welcome to your new life."
   Jackson, for once felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. He moved back before he got any idea to kiss the spirit in front of him. Death only smiled. He placed a hand on Jackson's head.
"I shall rename you Grim. Grim Reaper."
Jackson nodded licking his lips. "You will come with me and collect the souls of the people I... Kill." Jackson nodded again. "Good" he said with an evil smile.
And so it became. Jackson lived the rest of his life in the underworld. He died in his later years from old age and became one of Death's favorite demons. He still reaps souls to this day with a secret attraction towards his master. Well, he thinks it's a secret.
   Grim slowly opened Death's door and came in with a bag of souls. Death was asleep his blankets up to his chin. Grim hummed a chuckle. He set the bag on Death's desk and walked over to his sleeping master. He leaned down and lightly kissed his cheek.
   "Thank you" he said in a whisper. He quickly looked around before leaving.
   Death opened one eye smirking. "Little sh*t" he said with a quiet chuckle. He leaned up and began getting dressed.

Hi, now I want to state right now that I have nothing against gays or lesbians but I do NOT condone suicide. Thank you for reading and understanding this.

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