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We look in the mirror to see how we look. We look in the mirror to fix mistakes. When we look in the mirror, we usually don't think anything is looking back. But there is.
Our Reflection.
Yes, everyone's reflection is looking back at them. Why haven't they tried to get out, you may ask. Well that's easy, they're protecting us. Many believe that out reflections are trapped but they can get out anytime they like, but if they get out you're put into the mirror.
They protect us from the other side. If you pay attention you'll notice that your reflection is always a fraction slower than us. They love us more than anyone else because they are us in another world. We have secretly found a way to look into another dimension. Though its opposite from ours.
Our reflections are our complete opposites. If you're shy and kind in this world your reflection is social and mean. But the world is also different. In our reflections we see the same old thing but on the other side of the mirror it looks awful. Our reflections don't want us to be in that world, they want to keep us safe.
It's dangerous on the other side. Our reflections are always terrified but feel slight happiness when they see us. Whenever we touch a mirror our reflection keeps us from coming through. No reflection has ever let someone through.
Our reflections care more about us than anyone else. Not even your mother can love you as much as your reflection. The other side consists of pain and terror. Blood covers the street and natural disasters happen 24/7.
Our reflections hate their lives. They would love to die, but just because they live to protect you they continue their lives.
   Don't ever try to force your way through a mirror. Actually, even if you try, that's when a mirror shatters. Reflections will shatter the area to keep you from entering. They will make sure you never enter.

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