Chapter 7: Wise Owl

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After a long night in the cavern I woke up beginning to stretch when I realized Kaulder still had his arms around me. I peered up at his face to see his eyes closed. He was actually sleeping? It was almost as if he knew I was staring at him when his eyes fluttered open. He yawned quietly blinking a few times.

"Still sleepy?" I giggled.

"Slee- huh." He sat up finally releasing me from his warm hold stretching his arms and wings.

Did he not realize he fell asleep?

I looked puzzled at his equally bewildered face for a moment as he stared at the ground. "You actually managed to sleep." I smiled.

He looked up at me with a curious look then grinned for a moment. "Is that so? I guess it was easier having you so close to me."

Just the way he had said it. I felt my face get all hot, it wasn't uncomfortable but it's seemed...the feeling wasn't nervous either. I slapped my cheeks lightly with my hands as I exhaled.

"I didn't have to worry about you wrapped safely in my arms." He smiled drowsily in a near mumbled manor.

"I'm surprised you actually managed to fall asleep."

"There hasn't been a need or want to until now." He flashed me another kind smile.

He's such a bubbly kind hearted person. Even if his current appearance is still a bit frighting. He was proper, but also funny and carefree sometimes like a child. He was a warm spirit, both literally and figuratively.

"Well, enough of that, up we go!" He heaved me up along with him nearly making Leu topple off my chest and onto the ground.

Leu made a tiny dissatisfied squeak as I quietly apologized catching him and placing him gently on my shoulder where he curled up.

"We're close now." He said simply as he started walking through the cave.

After a near half hour of tiresome walking, my feet were already getting pretty sore. I guess all the walking we'd done recently was finally catching up with me. It'd been over a week for me at this rate. This place still amazed me but it scared me at every turn. I just wanted to remember. I just wanted to go home. Wherever home is.

Kaulder noticed me lagging behind slightly and stopped waiting for me to catch up.

"Tired of walking?" He asked with concern.

"A bit." I replied with a huff.

"Alright then..." He transformed back into his human form and suddenly swooped me up onto his back giving me a piggy back ride.

"Aren't I a little heavy..."

"Not at all." He dismissed. "But I don't think having you on my wings would be too comfortable." I could hear the smile through his tone.

He was always smiling. It was a nice smile I'd really grown to appreciate. I couldn't really understand how he was so confident other then his inherent strength, but I guess it was his motive to protect me.

After another hour of walking I was really starting to question if this cave was ever going to end. Not only that, but why Kaulder was still carrying me after all this time. I slumped over his shoulders with a sigh and he just shook his head a bit with a small laugh.

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