Darka's Light Revealed/ Final Battle Part 2

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The three of us flew for a bit farther in the Forlorn Forest only to find Nebula chatting with someone.
"You little brat. I can't believe you just had to be the little thorn who leaked my identity to my entire army. I'm not going easy on you!" Nebula shouted.
"I had to do it. It was for the better." The dragon shouted.
"Those elders know way to much for their own good." Nebula groaned.
"Well they are our elders." The dragon pointed out. I immediately knew this was Hazard now. "I had enough with you." Nebula growled firing purple fire at Hazard.
"Hold on buddy!" Flash yelled dashing in front of the Fire pushing Hazard out of the way. Thanks to Flash being a light dragon, he was extremely quick. Both managed to dodge the attack.
"Thank you. What's your name?" Hazard asked.
"My name is Flash! Yours?" Flash asked. "Mines Hazard." Hazard answered. Me and Darka flew down to Hazard and Flash.
"Hagon! Your here!" Hazard cheered
"I am. And thank you for getting that information to the elders. It really helped." I said.
"No problem. I'm always trying to help. Though you appear to be pealing." Hazard observed.
"Huh?" I replied. I saw my green scales coming off. I started to blush. This was so embarrassing.
"Hagon! I never knew you had pink scales!" I heard Flash say.
"Pink? What?" I asked taking a closer look. My green scales were now replaced by pink scales. I blushed even more.
"Oh my goodness. How...why do I have pink scales? Now I'm going to be called a dragoness." I groaned.
"Oh my. Hagon has gone pink! How hilarious....but also dangerous." Nebula said somewhat startled.
"Huh?" I wondered out loud because of Nebula's last words.
"Hagon. I'm not sure if the elders told you about this, but every dragon has a different color scale to match their element. You know the ten elements right?" Darka asked.
"Yes. I know. I can become any of them." I answered.
"Well, Nebula told me that there are three hidden elements that are so rare they are said not to exist. Pink is the rarest one. It indicates that the dragon is magic." Darka explained. "Magic huh. So what magic powers do I have?" I asked. "I wouldn't know. Spellcaster is the only other Magic dragon and he never fights. But I do know that you no longer need those gems to use different elemental attacks. They come with your magic." Darka answered. I looked at Nebula. Let the battle really begin.

I decided to test my abilities. Flash got the first attack as he charged right into Nebula.
"Ugh. Why are you betraying me as well?" Nebula asked.
"Because I have the most awesome brother ever!" Flash cheered.
"We are not brothers!" Darka yelled.
"Well then. I'll make you regret that decision." Nebula yelled shooing fireballs at Flash. I thought in my head what magical abilities even existed. I had to think of something quickly as the fireballs approached Flash. I held my paw at the fireball causing it to stop. I had control over it now. I threw it back at Nebula.
"Aaaahhhh! That stings!" Nebula cried. Hazard shot a tiny fireball at Nebula.
"Is that the best you can do?" Nebula taunted laughing.
"Ugh. I'm still in training." Hazard groaned. "Too bad you can't be a threat then." Nebula said still laughing. I flew to Hazard.
"Once this is all done, do you want me to train you?" I asked.
"Well, as a Standard elemented dragon, I can't really do anything special. But I would really like to." Hazard answered.
"Alright then. We can do that." I happily responded.
"Focus you two." Darka instructed flying at Nebula. "Well well. If it isn't my first mistake. You would've been a beautiful ally." Nebula sighted.
"No. I would be ugly. Just like this wound!" Darka said slashing at Nebula's eye.
"Why you!" Nebula yelled.
Nebula landed and held his wings to guard himself. Hazard shot a fireball at Nebula but aimed beside him.
"Ha dumb dumb. You missed." Nebula taunted watching the fireball fly by him. He didn't see me charge up a fireball with pink flames. I shot it at his wings which caused them to be covered by ice?
"What the?" I thought.
"Hagon. I think I read in one of the elders scrolls that magic dragons can manipulate the elements at will. You can literally make any kind of attack you please." Hazard explained. "Huh. I wonder why I made ice in that attack. Though I do feel a bit cold in this forest." I said feeling a bit of shivers. Now that I knew what I could do, I shot a water blast at Nebula that stunned him.
"Ugh. Cut it out with your cheap tricks." Nebula growled.
"Die!" Darka yelled shooting acid fire at his face. The dark dragon screamed in agony as he melted.
"Hmph. What you deserved." Darka growled. Me and Hazard noticed something odd. As Nebula melted, no blood came out or he didn't show any signs of pain. It's like he was never real.
"Guys, I don't think that was the real Nebula." I said. The four of us looked at the pool of acid. "Your correct. Because the real Nebula is right here!" Nebula screamed. He suddenly appeared right next to us and slashed really hard at Darka's right eye.
"Gggggaaaahhh!" Darka howled so loudly as he passed out with lots of blood leaking from his eye. Including a new scar scratch.
"Brother! I can heal you!" Flash paniced starting to charge a healing beam.
"Ugh....I'm sorry, but you can't fix a broken eye. This scar will always be with me." Darka muttered before closing his remaining eye.
"Oh no! Darka!" Flash cried.
"Flash! Darka! I'll get you out of here!" I said trying to think of something.
"You can always teleport them. Don't know how you do it. But I hear magic is heavily reliant on your mind. I'll distract Nebula for you to give you time." Hazard explained flying to Nebula. I thought quickly what to do. I couldn't let Hazard also be demolished. I thought of Darka and Flash at Darka's Peak. Right when I opened my eyes, the two dragons had vanished completely.
"Holly..." I muttered in shock. I thought about it, maybe I could teleport Nebula over to someplace where he would be attacked. I suddenly got a idea.
"Hazard! Hold him off for just another minute." I instructed trying teleportation for myself. I imagined myself by Tesla's lab and when I opened my eyes, I was beside Tesla's lab.
"Wow! This magic dose work!" I said laughing at how cool this power was.
"Hey! Who are you? You just appeared here out of thin air!" I heard Gust say. I forgot that he wasn't there to see me shed. Or anyone else really.
"Hello Gust. I'm Hagon. I'm sure it's hard to believe, but I believe I have used the gems so many times I had become fused with those elements. Becoming a magic dragon in the progress." I explained.
"Man! My best friend just keeps getting cooler and cooler! I'm going to have to catch up myself." Gust laughed.
"Hahaha. I think you're already there and been there." I chuckled back.
"Awwwww. Thanks. Though you must be embarrassed being pink now." Gust said observing my new scales.
"It was embarrassing. But I'm use to it. Besides, it's the powers that are the thing to focus on." I said.
"Anyways, where have you and Darka been? We defeated all the guards. But we've been searching for you two everywhere." Gust asked. "Well. We are fighting Nebula. But I'm going to teleport him here. I want you all to prepare a assault the moment he appears in this spot." I explained pointing to a open spot it the area. "I'll do that. I'll gather everyone up." Gust responded flying away quickly. I quickly teleported myself to the Forlorn Forest only to see Nebula pinning Hazard down.
"On no! Hang on!" I shouted teleporting him to the entrance of Tesla's lab.
"You again? This is really getting old." Nebula groaned. I decided to fight Nebula to weaken him and give Gust time.
"Look on the bright side. It's just you and me this time." I said shooting a ice blast at Nebula. Nebula melted it with Fire.
"Well aren't you just into ice attacks today. Too bad they melt to my Fire." Nebula said swinging his tail at me. I teleported just in time before he his me. I appeared on his back. I started to charge a electric attack.
"Where did you go this time?" Nebula asked looking around the forest. I released my electric attack stunning him.
"Again?!" Nebula yelled. I flew to the ground. I started to teleport him to Gust.
"What?! Cures Hagon!" Nebula cursed as he was teleported away. I tried teleporting myself, but I felt too tired. I literally had drained my brain. I needed to recharge and I soon fell asleep.

Nebula soon saw himself surrounded by the whole group. Gust, Zephyr, Typhoon, Crystal, Firefly, Leaf, Zero, King & Klang, Umbra, Tsunami, Icefire, Thunderstruck, Susurrus, Forge and Tesla.
"Oh goodie. Of course Hagon had to put me in a ambush." Nebula muttered.
"All attack now!" Leaf yelled. Wind blasts, fireballs, dirt, smoke, water, ice, Lightning, and arrows flew all at Nebula. Nebula roared in pain. Zero flew right up to Nebula's left eye and scratched it as hard as possible.
"Ooooo. Beautiful blood!" Zero cheered.
"Ugh! If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!" Nebula yelled swatting Zero. Zero flew across the sky hitting a nearby tree. He fell and hit the ground hard. Nebula also hit the floor almost flattening Zero.
"Zero!" Leaf cried running over to him Zero opened his eyes.
"Is Nebula dead?" Zero asked while snickering. "No. But we are going to arrest him." A familiar voice answered. Leaf looked behind to see Excalibur.
"Not now. I'm not ready to be killed." Leaf growled.
"Not this time. It's true that I fired you. But we are holding off in this war until Nebula was stopped. My army will lock him up in the most secured dungeon we have as well as it being guarded by the best of guards." Excalibur explained dragging Nebula.
"Although to you Leaf, you have shown great improvement. To that. Congratulations." Excalibur added dragging Nebula away. Leaf and Umbra checked on Zero's condition. He was still breathing. But he had broken some bones and wouldn't be able to fight for a little while. But he was a honorable hero.

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