Picture Perfect ~ Part Two

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~One month later~

By this point, me and Troye had become extremely close, and had exchanged numbers and Facetimed multiple times. The more I spoke to him, the more I came to realise that I had some how developed a bit of a "crush" on Troye. Every time my phone lit up with a text from him, my heart would flutter, and I would reply as quickly as my fingers would allow me to type.
Today, my best friend Tyler was at my house, we were spending the day together, then having a sleepover (or "girls night" as he called it). We hadn't done much over the day, we'd just been watching movies on Netflix. Well, Tyler had been watching movies, whereas I, on the other hand, had been texting Troye the entire time, not paying any attention to the movies at all. About 40 minutes into a film called "Paper Towns", Tyler leant over, peeking over my shoulder and trying to get a look at the screen of my phone.
"Who're you texting?" He asked as I moved away from him, no way was I letting him know I had a crush on someone, he'd never shut up about it.
"Just my friend.." I said simply, still trying my hardest to hide the screen from him.
"Then why do you blush every time your phone lights up?!" He said, jumping onto me and snatching my phone out of my hands.
"Tyler!" I shouted, trying to snatch it back, but he moved out of the way of my flailing arms, standing up and reading the texts on the screen out loud.
" 'I'd love to meet up some time' !" He squealed, continuing to read the texts, " 'I bet you're just as gorgeous in real life as you are in your pictures' ! Connor Joel Franta do you have a boyfriend you haven't told me about!?" He exclaimed, looking up from my phone, looking at me with wide eyes.
"N-No! He's just a friend!" I denied it, making another grab for my phone, this time succeeding in retrieving it.
"Yeah right!" He scoffed. I blushed and looked away, sitting down on the sofa.
"H-He'd never like me anyway.." I said quietly, looking down at my shoes sadly.
"I knew it!" He exclaimed, but his celebrations faltered when he saw me looking down sadly.  
"Connor.." He began, sitting down next to me. "This, "Troye" guy, he so obviously likes you." He said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"You-You really think so?" I asked hopefully, looking up at him. He nodded and smiled,
"I know so." He nodded, and I smiled softly. "So, you like him then..?" He checked, and I nodded sadly.
"B-But he'd never like me. I-I mean, why would he?" I looked down again, playing nervously with a string on my maroon coloured hoodie.
"You've gotta stop putting yourself down like that Connie, you're beautiful, talented, hilarious, you're just amazing, okay? And if this guy has any sense in him at all, he'll snatch you up in no time." He smiled, brushing a stray strand of hair out of my face.
"R-Really?" He nodded,
"Really." I smiled up at him, moving closer to him and hugging him tightly, leaning my head on his chest.
"Thank you Ty, you-you really are the best friend a boy could ask for." I said quietly, smiling softly to myself.
"Don't thank me Con. Now then, shall we ask Troye to meet up?" He asked, moving back slightly and looking at me.
"H-He's going to be in LA in a few weeks, for his album tour s-so, m-maybe then..?" I wondered, to which Tyler nodded hastily.  I took a deep breath, before picking up my phone and typing out the message.

Connor 🌸: Hey 😊 Was wondering if, when you're in LA, you maybe wanted to meet up.....?

Troye 💅🏼: Yeah sure! That'd be great 😘

I squealed as I read the message, and I immediately showed Tyler it.
"Ooooo, a kissing face!? Girl he so likes you!" I giggled shyly, looking back at my phone.

Connor 🌸:  Cool! Let me know when suits you best 😊

Troye 💅🏼: Will do! ❤️

Guys I'm sick.
Also this chapter had a lot of Conler in it.. Woops
Next part will have more Tronnor so...... Stay tuned (?)
Okay, thank you for reading! Love y'all! ❤️ ~SepticTronnor

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