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Troye's POV

"Bye Baby, I'll see you later." I smiled, kissing my husband, Connor's forehead before he walked out the door and went to his car, opening the door before looking back at me, smiling widely.
"I love you." He called to me, my smile growing.
"I love you more." I smiled. He shook his head and smiled to himself, getting into his car and driving away. I frowned to myself, now alone for the rest of the day. I closed the front door, sighing as I looked around me, deciding on just watching some TV. I flicked through the channels, finally deciding on watching a movie. But the movie couldn't distract me from the loneliness I felt when Connor wasn't there. I started thinking about him, his cute little giggle, the way he had to stand on his tiptoes so he could kiss me.. Now I missed him even more. My trail of thought was cut off when the phone rang. I jumped up from the sofa, making my way over to the phone.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello, Mr. Sivan?" A professional sounding voice came over the phone.
"Yes?" I answered, concerned as to who was calling me.
"I have called to inform you that your husband, Connor, has been rushed into hospital after a car crash, he is in critical condition." Suddenly, my heart sank, and tears filled my eyes. I quickly hung up, grabbing my shoes and running to my car, jumping in and driving as fast as humanly possible to the hospital. I probably broke the speed limit, but I didn't care, my baby needed me, and I was going to be there. I arrived at the hospital, getting out the car and running to the entrance. But, before I could make it to Connor's room, I was stopped by a doctor.
"Mr Sivan, this is not a good time." The doctor said, trying to guid me away from the door.
"N-no I-I need to see him." I begged, but it was to no avail, as the doctor shook his head.
"This really isn't a good time." He shook his head again.
"Why?" Just let me see him for god sake!
"Because, I'm sorry to say that, your husband, has passed away. His injuries were server and his body couldn't fight it. I'm extremely sorry." And with that, my whole world crumbled. I collapsed to my knees, and cried. I cried for Connor, the fact I would never see him again, the fact I'd never hear his adorable giggle that I loved so much, he'd never go on his tiptoes to kiss me, I'd never get to hold him in my arms again. And I cried because I lost the person I adored more than anyone in the world.

I woke suddenly from my sleep, sitting upright. I reached my hand up, wiping the sweat from my forehead. Looking around I tried to calm down. But then I remembered Connor, the car crash. My eyes shot down to Connor, checking if he was in fact, okay. And there he was, a sleeping beauty, asleep peacefully next to me. I reached down, brushing a stray hair from his face, stroking his cheek lightly as I pulled my hand away. Laying down, I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to my chest. I realised that, within moments, my whole life could change. With this realisation I pulled the sleeping boy closer to me. I played with his hair gently, focusing on him and trying to take my mind off my dream. Finally, I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over once again.

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