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Connor's POV

Today was the day. I looked into the mirror, straightening out my shirt and fixing my hair.
"Two minutes." A member of the crew called to me, and I nodded nervously. I really did not want to do this, but managers being managers, they'd forced me to. Doing an interview with your ex-boyfriend really is not the best situation to be in. It had been nearly six months since me and Troye had broken up, and my heart still had yet to heal properly. I still had yet to find out why he decided to leave me, and a feeling at the back of my mind told me I was never going to find out the answer to that question. It's hard, when someone you once cared so deeply about, decides to cut you out of their lives for good. I'd fallen down a spiral of depression since that day, and who could blame me? After all the probable love of my life did decide to end things after so long of being together. Maybe it was my fault? Maybe it was destiny? All I knew was that I was not going to be getting over it any time soon. I shook my head, trying to rid my brain of the negative thoughts consuming it, and I looked myself in the eyes through the mirror.
"Come on Connor, you can do this." I whispered to myself, but soon, tears were building in my eyes.
"Y-You can do this. A-And you will." I nodded to myself, wiping angrily at my eyes as I walked towards the door of the dressing room and opened it, walking out into the corridor, beginning to hesitantly walk down the corridor. Crew members directed me to a studio with a sofa, and a chair opposite it, sitting upon a slightly raised platform. My breath hitched slightly as I saw him, sitting on the sofa. He looked up from his phone, and our eyes met for the first time in months. I averted my gaze to the floor and I slowly walked to the sofa, taking a seat next to him. Come on Connor, hold it together. We sat in uninterrupted silence, until the interviewer came over and sat on the chair opposite us, facing towards the camera pointed at the three of us.
"Hello everyone! Today we're joined with Connor Franta and Troye Sivan!" He introduced us, and I waved shyly, Troye, however, was unmoving.
"Okay! Right in with the first question! How long has it been since you two broke up?" He asked, reading the question off of one of the cards he was holding.
"Six months." Troye answered blankly, his voice cold.
"And how has it been, being without each other?" He continued the question, this time aiming it to me.
"Hard.." I mumbled, not looking up from my lap. There was another silence as he began looking for another question.
"Have either of you been seeing anyone since the break up?"
"No." Troye answered straight away, obviously certain of his answer.
"N-No." I answered truthfully.
The interview seemed to go on forever, and by the end I was trying my hardest not to burst into tears. As soon as it ended, I speed walked out of the room, going straight to my dressing room, gathering my things together and I walked/ran out of the building, not even glancing back as I got into my car. I didn't even look back when I heard Troye shouting my name from across the car park. I just wanted to get away from him, and I began to drive as fast as I could through the miserable streets of LA, going way above the speed limit, until I eventually arrived home. I got out of my car, not bothering to lock it. I ran up to my front door, unlocking it, entering the house as I slammed the door loudly behind me. I ran up the stairs, straight into my room, before collapsing onto my bed, finally letting the tears stream freely down my cheeks, and onto the white sheets below me.

That was a lot sadder than usual.
Sorry for the sadness.... Next oneshot will be happier I promise!
I've completely lost my voice because I'm ill
UgH i HaTe ThIs
Anyway.. Goodnight (or Morning/Afternoon depending on when you're reading this)
I love you all ❤️ ~SepticTronnor

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