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Imagine Connor and Troye meet at vidcon, instantly feeling a connection

Imagine they hang out a lot during the trip, spending all of their free time together

Imagine Troye nervously asking Connor on a date, to which he says yes

Imagine Troye turning up at Connor's house in a suit, and with red roses held in his hand

Imagine Troye driving them to a beach, where they walk hand in hand, talking about their dreams and aspirations

Imagine Troye walking Connor to his front door afterwards, where they nervously share their first kiss

Imagine Troye and Connor finally getting together, and nervously telling all of their friends and family

Imagine them making a coming out video on valentines day, both of them extremely nervous, but in the end neither could stop smiling

Imagine them moving in together

Imagine Troye proposing to Connor on their anniversary, Connor crying and saying yes

Imagine them planning the wedding in excitement

Imagine their wedding day, a feeling of pure excitement in the air as the vows are exchanged, and the first kiss as husbands shared

Imagine Troye looking after Connor when he's ill, and imagine Connor looking after Troye when he's ill

Imagine them adopting children, one boy and one girl

Imagine them waking up at three am every morning to crying children

Imagine them taking their kids to their first day of school, both with tears in their eyes

Imagine their kids growing up, and eventually moving out

Imagine them growing old together, their love for each other never faltering

Imagine Connor getting ill, and having to be taken to hospital

Imagine Troye not leaving Connor's bedside, even when he got worse

Imagine Connor slowly closing his eyes, his last words being a breathless "I love you"

Imagine Troye having to tell their kids, all of them crying and desperately hugging each other

Imagine the funeral, Troye giving a beautiful speech, leaving not a dry eye in the room

Imagine Troye, lying in bed, his children at his side, and his last thought being Connor, before slowly, he closed his eyes

That was very sad
I'm sorry
Thank you for reading ❤️ ~SepticTronnor

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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