I lied. My friends and I were going to go to some party or whatever to celebrate me finally getting into college. I texted them after I offered Olive Garden to Nebraska.
"Seriously dude?"
"But you just met her. Girls cry all the time."
"Yeah. I'll see you at Olive Garden. Invite Carl and John too. They aren't doing anything tonight."
"Invite them yourself. I'm going to that party!"
I didn't respond. Honestly I thought I'd be taking Nebraska by myself as I went rummaging through my boxes of stuff for the extra helmet I packed... until Vixen texted me again.
"Carl and John are going. I get the first basket of endless breadsticks."
Vixen. Always a character. I swear, he will do anything for food. Kill the president? No problem. Become a terrorist? Piece of cake. Date a girl? Well... maybe.
When we got to Olive Garden I saw all three of my friends standing there. It only occurred to me then that Nebraska might not feel comfortable with four guys dinning with her. Then again, John was with us, so maybe she'd not mind. I waved to my friends and parked my scooter in a parking space.
Nebraska loosened her grip on me and looked worryingly at my friends.
"Who are they?" She asked, "Your friends?"
"Yep." I said, taking off my helmet and fixing my hair.
"What's their names?"
"Let's go find out." I said, getting off the scooter and holding out a hand to her. She didn't seem to notice my kind gesture, and walked right by me to go see my friends. This is the reason why chivalry is dead. Not because us guys don't try, we just go unnoticed.
"Hey Dakota!" Carl yelled to me. Carl sounds just like his name. A complete nerd; big framed glasses, dark freckles and brown curly hair cut short, and a limited edition D&D shirt. He's a cool guy. I knew him since elementary school when he used to have head gear and bucked teeth.
"Sup! Who's your girlfriend?" John asked, turning around and spying Nebraska first. John was wearing a blue checkered button up shirt and slacks. His tie today was an electric blue. John prides himself on his tie collection. Says it was a big thing on his LDS mission to trade ties and he came back with ninety-seven of them. That's way to many ties for one guy if you ask me. I don't even own a tie.
"She's not his girlfriend. He just met her today, right bro?" Vixen sighed, crossing his arms. Vixen sounds a lot like his name as well. Just like the reindeer, he's small, brown as in tan, and is dainty like nothing else. I think Prancer would have been a better reindeer name for my fanciful little friend.
"I'm not his girlfriend!" Nebraska stated, stopping a good five feet in front of them. I noticed she stuck her heel to the ground. It would be hard to get her any closer to the guys. Maybe she'd refuse to go inside.
I walked up to Carl and John, both of them shaking my hand and patting my shoulder. Vixen seemed more intrigued about Nebraska than any other girl he had ever met. It might have just been because she was the reason why we weren't going to the party. He did seem to glare at her more than he usually glared from day to day. Nebraska took a step back, looking a little lost.
"Don't worry Nebraska." I chuckled, putting Vixen in a head lock, "Vixen's bark is a lot worse than his bite."
"Get off me you disgusting troglodyte!" Vixen yelled, pushing on my arms.
"Nebraska, was it?" John asked the timid girl. Nebraska nodded then jumped when John took her hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
Potty Mouth
Humor"Voices... from the toilet?!" Nebraska gasped as she kneeled down next to the porcelain throne and searched for some kind of recording device. "Uh, no." The male's voice came again. Nebraska stared at the toilet seat. "From the vents." Nebraska turn...