February 3, 1963 pt. 3

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Annabeth walked into the house, her parent's the absolute last thing on her mind. Bobby's words were still ringing fresh in her ears. They had replayed themselves over and over during her short walk from the woods to the house and she couldn't get them to stop.

Bobby called her selfish, arrogant and stupid. He told her that she was going to get Terry killed. Bobby had recognized her insecurities and threw them in her face, and it hurt like hell.

She tried to tell herself that Terry didn't seem to blame her for this. He told her so. She couldn't let the words of a scorned friend change her mind about her relationship with Terry, even if Bobby's words did hold some truth.

Annabeth loved Terry. She knew that their relationship would always be a battle, but she was ready to fight that war with him- Even if they both went down in flames in the end. They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for. Annabeth knew. She was fighting for Terry- And she was fighting for love.

Annabeth hadn't even made it through the kitchen before she was bombarded on all sides, the start of a very different war, as the angry voices of her parents began to lash out at her.

"Annabeth! Where on Earth did you go without telling us? I called Elizabeth and Sandy and neither of them had seen you."

"You had your Mama worried sick, young lady."

"You were gone for hours, Annabeth! Hours!"

"If you don't think there will be price to pay for your insolence you are sorely mistaken."

"ENOUGH!" Annabeth screamed as she threw her hands up in the air.

Reginald and Sarah jumped, their words halting and their mouths forming surprised O's at Annabeth's outburst. Annabeth's eyes landed on Ronny in the hallway, where he stood with his eyes wide, his body pressed against the doorway.

Annabeth took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, before she told her parent's the best version of the truth she could muster.

"Mama. Daddy. I'm an adult now. You've left me chained to this house and to this town for my entire life," she said, her voice soft- sad. "You want me to get married and have babies- become a housewife at the age of 18 and never leave Audumnly. But that's not the life I want. That's not who I want to be."

"What in tarnation are you babbling on about, girl? What could you possibly accomplish in life without a man by your side to lead you?" Reginald scoffed.

Annabeth ignored her father and turned her eyes toward her mother, looking for an ally, knowing she was getting ready to head into dangerous territory.

"I have an opportunity to join an activist organization from Birmingham. I'll travel all around the country, advocating for Civil Rights in America. It's something I've only dreamed of doing before."

Annabeth braved a quick glance at her Daddy. Reginald clenched his hands at his sides, his face turning more and more crimson the more Annabeth spoke.

"I know you all don't agree with my beliefs but I've never hidden what they were. I'm sorry I'm disappointing you, but I don't want to live this life anymore. I want more. I need more. I..."

Annabeth never got to finish her speech. Before she knew what was happening, Reginald held the girl against the wall, his hand clenched around her throat- squeezing unmercifully.

"You ungrateful little bitch," he cursed.

Instinctively, Annabeth clutched his hands, choking, as Sarah screamed out and tried to pull her husband off her daughter. It was a useless task as she'd never be strong enough to move him.

"I won't have no daughter of mine being a nigger loving whore. You're gonna stay here and marry Bobby Warren. That's final," Reginald growled, his voice menacingly low.

Annabeth grasped and clawed at his hands, her head beginning to feel light. Sarah continually tried to pull him away but it was hopeless. Annabeth was certain that this would be the end of her. He showed no signs of releasing her, the sanity drained from his eyes and leaving nothing but pure rage in its wake.

Annabeth was on the verge on unconsciousness when something barreled into the side of her father, knocking him to the ground. Annabeth fell to the floor, clutching her throat and taking in a deep breath of air that burned her lungs as she inhaled.

Once her eyes cleared, Annabeth looked toward Ronny. He had their father pinned to the floor, but it didn't appear as if it would last for long. Ronny turned his head back toward Annabeth as Reginald fought to push him off.

"Go, Annabeth. Run!" Ronny shouted.

Annabeth slowly climbed to her feet and stumbled toward the back door. She spotted her hand bag on the coat rack by the door and grabbed for it, knowing that inside was her journal. It was the only thing she could get out of the house.

As soon as she got into the back yard, Annabeth ran. Passed the livestock and passed the barn, deep into the forest and to where Terry waited for her.


Annabeth stumbled into the cabin, her tears frozen against her face. Terry was sitting in a wooden chair in front of the fireplace. He turned to her when she entered, a small smile on his face. Once he saw her stricken expression, he slowly climbed to his feet and turned toward her with his arms outstretched.

He had gotten dressed while she was gone. Annabeth winced when she saw the little stains of blood on his clothing. It reminded her that he was injured as she hurried forward and gently placed herself in his arms.

Terry pulled her as close as he could without hurting himself. Annabeth buried her face in his neck as a fresh batch of tears cascaded from her eyes. Terry didn't ask any questions, not yet. He just held her as she cried.

When she finally got a handle on herself, Annabeth pulled back and looked up at him.

"You should sit back down, Terry," she said softly. "You need your rest."

"Are you ready to talk about what happened?" he asked as he settled himself back in the chair with a groan of discomfort.

Annabeth sighed and shook her head as she shrugged out of her coat and hung it in front of the fire. Before she could utter a word, Terry was back on his feet and standing in front of her.

"What happened to you?" he demanded, the anger in his voice evident as he gently lifted Annabeth's chin to survey the damage done to her neck at the hands of her father.

"What do you mean?" she asked, playing dumb.

"Don't be coy, Annabeth. Someone clearly had their hands around your throat."

Annabeth released a breath of air and pulled her chin out of his hands, lowering her eyes toward the ground in embarrassment.

"I told my parent's I was leaving. My Daddy didn't agree with me," she admitted softly.

"I'll kill him," Terry mumbled as he turned toward the door.

"Terry, stop," Annabeth called to him in a soft voice.

He paused, his hand on the door knob, his shoulders heaving in anger.

"It's over now," Annabeth said as she walked to him, taking his free hand. "It's over and I never have to go back there again. He can't hurt me anymore because now, I'm yours."

Terry turned back toward Annabeth and wrapped her up in his embrace once more. He tilted his head, planting little kisses on her neck where she had been bruised by her Daddy's hands.

"And I'm yours," he whispered. "Forever."

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