Day 3

29 2 1

3: A BooK I LoVe BuT DoN'T LiKE THe MoVie oF iT

'The Pact' by Jodi Picoult. She's the author of 'My Sister's Keeper' :3

And no, it's not a book that horror film is based on. It shares no resemblance (I think).

It's basically a novel about a possible suicide pact between two teenagers: Christopher and Emily. It's a flamazing book C:

But THEN Lifetime Television debuted the film adaption and... IT SUCKED ARSE. I think it's one of the worst book→film movies I've ever watched. That's how BAD it is. >_>

SYNOPSIS: Both 17 and living next to eachother, Chris has known Em since the day she was born. Naturally, they become best friends, and eventually lovers. But then Em is dead and Chris is not. If it was Chris who had died then maybe the police wouldn't have doubted the existence of the Pact- but because he's the male and could easily overpower her, they tend to think homicide. Chris, obviously, goes to jail to wait out his trial. There's a lot of twists in the story. Jodi captured the.. ripple effect that occurs after the sudden, violent death of a promising teenager. It's so intelligently written too. She just gives us snippets of events and then goes back to them later on. For example, we THINK we know what happened the night of Emily's death but all the recounts aren't real until he tells the court what REALLY happened.


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