The Faithful Night

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I walk home alone in the rain, the grey hoodie I'm wearing concealing my long purple hair so only my bangs hiding my face are visible. I didn't feel safe walking home in New York alone but you sort of learn to pay attention to your surroundings and watch for unwanted attention.

I observe the people that rush past me, trying to get out of the rain and to their destination. I just continued walking, I like the rain. Sorta reminds you that you're not the only one who gets depressed, even the sky does.

I watch as my boots step into the puddles and submerge into the small hole of water. I always do this when it rains, I don't know why, just sorta gives me something to do while I think.

My thoughts wander to my childhood and I try and forget the memories of my Dad beating me. It's basically impossible, they are forever burned into my brain. The pain that sent me to the hospital and gave me multiple concussions was forever seared into my skull was unforgettable.

I shake my head and try to force myself onto a different thought. I hate when I think about my past and what I can't change, what is eating me up on the inside.

My thoughts are so loud inside my head that I can't hear the pounding of feet behind me. I fall to the ground on impact and I am immediately flipped onto my back and pinned to the ground and the attackers knees on my elbows so I can't move my arms.

I immediately try screaming for help only to have my mouth covered by a gloved hand. I bite a finger hard with my teeth and the attacker grunts and pulls his hand away. He punches me right in the jaw and I groan in pain.

I give one last cry for help before I am once again hit with a fist. I feel my body go limp and my vision fades as I start to black out. In my last minute of consciousness, I feel as my attacker is pushed off of me and is getting beaten on the ground next to me by a man with blazing red hair.

Everything is black.

(Sorry it's so short)

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