Day 1

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In this story, You will have a new name(lol creepy). So, Congratulations, Harper, you are now auditioning for Lost and Found Music Studios!


I put the mic back into the stand. I hear it click as it slides into its holder and exhale. Everyone starts clapping and hooting. I shake out my hands and hop off stage. As I break the crowd of musicians, a boy with blonde hair and kind eyes pats me on the back,

"You did great! That was amazing!" He smiles and I light up with joy. I was going to sit in the back of the room, trying not to draw attention to myself, but as soon as this boy speaks, I decide to stand by him.

"Thanks!" I say, trying to sound not as nervous as I was. He smiles excitedly. We turn to the stage for the next auditioner. His hands shake and drum against his leg as the music starts.

It was a punk rock version of the song and the boy next to me started bobbing his head up and down like crazy.

"yeah! Man!" I can't help but laugh at his craziness. He is pretending to play air guitar and he has a huge grin on his face. I clap along and start dancing with him.

*Camera goes to individual*

Theo: This girl was amazing. She rocked the stage and when she came to stand by me, I felt so honored.
*Scene switch*

I walk into the junction along with a couple others after audition. I am overwhelmed by everyone interacting with each other. I look over and see my older brother, John, on the couch next to Luke. He has a gray beanie and a red shirt on. His leg bounces up and down as he stares at Michelle from across the room. She's from Next Step, And he is obsessed with her. I smile. I wish someone did that for me.

I get caught up in looking at him obsessing and am startled when the same boy I stood next to at auditions jumped up next to me and excitedly exclaimed,

"Hey! Wanna grab a smoothie with me?" I giggle as he smiles and his eyes light up.

"Sure, why not." He jokingly puts his arm out for my to link mine with. I giggle and we link arms as we walk to the counter.

"You like peaches?" The boy asks and I nod. He smiles and takes a ten out of his pocket.

"Two Peach Smoothies." He hands the lady the money and smiles, his Adam's apple sticking out. It's funny how I feel like I'm connecting with him, but I don't even know his name.

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