Day 5

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|Day after "Date"|


John: When it comes to songwriting, Harper is pretty hard on herself.


I'm in the recording studio, practically asleep as I try to finish this song. It's nearly midnight and I've been working since after lunch. I had just fallen asleep, almost finished with my song, when I wake up to someone shaking me.

"Harper?" I blink a couple times so my eyesight adjusts. "What are you doing here this late?" I recognize the voice all too well.  

"Theo?" I sit up, rubbing my eyes. He chuckles.

"Yeah, it's me." he is now siting beside me. He repeats, "What are you doing here?"

I hold up my papers and papers of lyrics and chords. "I've been working on a new song." Theo takes the papers from me and looks them over.

"Wow, when you say you don't stop, you don't stop." He rubs his forehead and laughs. I nod, yawning.

"Why-" I yawn. "Why are you here?" He sighs at my yawn and answers,

"Well, sometimes, when I can't sleep, I come here to jam. It clears my mind." I nod.

"well, you look tired." He laughs with a raspy tone again. I sigh and nod. After a moment, he gets up and holds out his hands.

"Come here." I give him my hands and he leads me to a couch behind the rose room.

He sits down and pats at the empty spot next to him. I curl up next to him and lay my head on his shoulder, his head laying on mine. I close my eyes and fall asleep to him humming a gentle soft song. It was nice.


*Midday in L&F*

Theo and I are finishing the duet I was working on. It wasn't originally a duet, but we changed some things and it fits perfectly. we re in the rose room going over it on the piano when all of the sudden Isaac runs in panting,

"He' yourselves!" He runs out, arms flailing, and Theo and I exchange looks.

Just then, Salsa music plays in the background and we hear a screaming, "OLLAAAAAYYY!"

Next things next, Luke bursts through the door, Harley laughing behind him. But that's not all. Luke is dressed in a maroon shiny mariachi shirt with ruffled sleeves, black pants, and shiny shoes, with a sombrero on. He starts tap dancing to the music, shouting Spanish words, then claps all but once before bowing.

"What was that!" Theo exclaims through laughter and Luke slumps, disappointed by the mockery.

"Harley taught me how to Salsaaaaaa!" He grabs Harley and pulls her into a tango.

"That's tango, stupid!" I exclaim through tears of laughter. Out of no where he pulls out a rose and puts it in his mouth, nuzzling Harley's nose with his. She is trying to hold back laughter, I can tell. The music starts again and he leaves in a tango, screaming,

"AAAAARRRREEEEEBBBAAA!"  Theo and I look at each other and burst in fits of laughter. 

"I-" he laughs. "i have a feeling we will be taking care of him as he lives in our basement one day eating Doritos and playing Mario Cart." I nod, giggling at his joke. Well, maybe it wasn't a joke. Plus, we all know it'll be John's basement not ours.

For the rest of the day, Luke wore that stupid outfit and ranting about tacos and his new "Dancing" skills.


Luke: Hey, all I'm saying, is if you hear that I quit Lost and Found, you know where I'll be. I'll be working at a Mexican Night Club in New Mexico with this fancy suit on and a rose in my mouth like a boss. Olay!

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