Day 33

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Luke: This is it! This is the event I look forward to every year! Lost and Found's annual jam in!

Leia: Every year, the studio and the next step joins together and holds a lock in. We all call it a jam in. We basically lock ourselves in the studio for twenty four hours and have fun!

John: I'm not really fond of the jam in...mostly because it's twenty four hours of embarrassing myself in front of Michelle...but I think Harper will love it, and that will make me happy

Michelle: I'm super excited about the jam in, because it's twenty four hours having fun with my friends...and because John is always there...hey, maybe this year will be the jam in John and I really kick it off.


I'm talking with Clara about a new song I've been working on in the rose room when all of the sudden, it sound like a stampede of elephants chanting is nearby.

"whoo- hoo!" A voice screams. They're getting louder by the second. I hear chanting,

"Jam in! Jam in! Jam in!" The doors to the rose room now fling open, and a heard of members of lost and found run in, arms punching the air, heads high, smiling.

"I'm so ready!" Luke screams. I now see everyone who has come in. Luke, Theo, John, Leia, Rachel, Jude, Maggie, and a couple other newbies.

"Jam in?" Clara asks, confused. She asks it softly, and the crowd of happy musicians don't hear it. A couple of them turn to us, including Theo.

"You all have to come to the jam in!" Leia says, nicely. Since when was she nice to me? Luke and Jude nod.

"It's so dope, and they're free food involved..." Jude persuades and Luke laughs, with a lot of energy. Theo looks at me,

"The jam in is where we all lock ourselves in here for twenty four hours straight and have a ball." I smile and he does, too.

"So, what'dya say?" Luke asks and suddenly they're all staring at me, persuading smiles on their faces. I shrug and crack into a smile.

"Sounds fun!" They all burst with joy as soon as Clara and I agree, and we end up chanting and running along with them.


Harper: I cant wait for the jam in tonight, I feel like it's going to be an awesome time and I'll get to bond with a lot of people from the studio.

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